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MARCH 2004
Draw on Natural Beauty
An economist from Wachovia
spoke, Tuesday, at Mayland Community College, on the economic outlook for this
area. Gina Martin says this area needs to diversify its economy towards service
industries and tourism to build further growth in the future.

Rape and Kidnapping Charge in Mitchell
A Green Mountain man, William
Douglas Tipton, of a Highway 197 address, has been charged with raping and
kidnapping a 16-yr old female. According to court records, the alleged
incident happened in the victims home on March 16th. Tipton is in jail under a
$160,000.00 secured bond.

A Bit of Good News
Taylor Togs in Micaville has
received new contracts from Levi's for some of their "highly specialized lines,"
and contracts with two other companies. Taylor Togs Owner, Grier Lackey, says
its a bit of good news, but the company is not out of the woods yet and he
remains cautiously optimistic about the company's future, as they continue to
development new customers. The Micaville plant employees over 200 workers.
Taylor Togs closed it's Bakersville plant last month, eliminating 125 jobs.

Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle in
A pedestrian, Junior Lydia
Wyatt, 79, of Double Island Road, was struck by a vehicle, Thursday evening at
about 7:50 pm, as he was crossing Main Street, just past Holcombe Brother
Funeral Home. According to Burnsville Police, Mr. Wyatt was crossing the road
away from the marked crosswalk and available lighting. Dark clothing contributed
to the accident. Mr. Wyatt was struck by a vehicle driven by Matthew Green, 16,
of Burnsville. He was charged with failing to stop to avoid an accident. Final
disposition will be made by the DA's office. As of Friday afternoon, Johnson
City Medical Center reported Wyatt was in the intensive care unit, in
serious condition.

Yancey At Odds With French Broad
Citing an inability to work
with French Broad EMC to broker more competitive electric rates for existing
industry and assist in the recruitment of new industry, Yancey County Officials
want additional names on the ballot for the cooperatives election of board
members representing Yancey County. French Broad Director, Charles Tolley, says
his board is doing all they can to keep industry in the area. Co-op members will vote on board members at their annual
meeting, May 1st, in Marshall.

Lawsuit moves on
A ruling by the North Carolina
Industrial Commission is a victory for families of fire victims in the May 3,
2002, Mitchell County jail fire. Eight inmates died
in the fire. The commission has ruled the suit should not be dismissed and
ordered the state to pay costs of the appeal. Baring any appeals by the state, the case will be heard before a single commissioner of the
industrial Commission. Attorneys for the families had argued
that the state jail inspector was negligent in his duties and owed
inmates a special duty to properly inspect the jail. Currently four families of
men who died and one survivor of the jail fire have joined the lawsuit against
the state.

Court Case Rescheduled
The man accused of the brutal
beating and robbery of a Burnsville woman was in court Tuesday. Michael David
Brown, of Marion, is charged with attempted first degree murder and felony
robbery. Authorities say he almost killed Milidene Baker-Wilson, in her antique
shop, November 5, 2003. In Court Tuesday, his case was rescheduled for May 18,
2004, in Yancey Administrative Court. He remains in jail under a
$100,000.00 secured bond.

Arrest for Trafficking Marijuana
Yancey Deputies have charged a
Pensacola man on various drug offenses, including trafficking, possession,
intent to sell and deliver and maintaining a dwelling to keep marijuana. Charged
is Robert Vincent Ogle, 49, of 175 Songbird Lane. He was released from jail
after posting a $16,000.00 secured bond. Ogle is scheduled to appear in Court on
March 30th. Deputies sized over 200 pounds of the illegal weed from his
residence. The pot has a street value of $50,000.00.

Easing Yancey's Economic Woe's
Yancey State Representative Ray Rapp says he's working on several fronts to ease
the County's economic problems. Among the area's he notes as positive steps is
the re-establishing the county as a Tier 1 County, this puts Yancey at the top
of the list for economic aid available from the state. Rapp also mentioned the
new partnership with Yancey Schools/Mayland Community College and Habitat to
provide housing and establish a path for potential jobs and business start ups
in the construction industry.

Hembree Resigns
Justin Hembree, Mitchell
County Manager, has announced he is resigning to take the position of Assistant
County Manager for Henderson County. Hembree
indicated the offer presented professional and financial opportunities that he
could not ignore. He will begin his new duties in Henderson County within the
next two months. No other details are available.

Area Economic leaders are
continuing to work hard at keeping the jobs we have and hoping to bring more
here. Burnsville Mayor David Grindstaff says they’re doing everything they can
to keeps the jobs that are here and they’re trying to get someone interested in
the OMC Building.

Break-In Solved
Avery Deputies have charged
Lloyd Charles Lowery, age 26, with felony breaking and entering in the Crossnore
area, prior to November, 2003. The accused is currently in the McDowell County
Jail, under a $146,000.00 secured bond. He made his first court appearance in
Avery County, Thursday, March 18th
and is scheduled back in an Avery Courtroom on March 22nd.

Madison Woman
A Madison woman, accused of
starving several horses to death, has been indicted by a grand jury. Tina
Shuffler is charged with seven counts of felony animal cruelty. Authorities say
she deliberately starved the animals back in January, and left them to die. An
eighth horse was also found on her property; it survived and is being cared for
by an area veterinarian

Strengthening Homeland Security
Commissioners have adopted a policy to strengthening homeland security. On
Monday, March 15th, they approved a policy and agreement between the
Mitchell Sheriff’s Department and the Spruce Pine police Department, to continue
to operate a tactical response team which deals with emergency situations such
as hostage standoffs etc

Appeals Court Ask to Release Mitchell
Jail Report
Lawyers for WLOS-TV and the Asheville Citizen-Times have
ask the NC Court of Appeals to release the investigation report on the May 2002
Mitchell County Jail Fire which killed 8-inmates. The lawyers argued that since
there are no plans for further investigations, the SBI report should be
released. Based on the SBI report, then District Attorney, Tom Rusher, decided
not to file any criminal charges. The NC Court of Appeals will decide if a trial
court should hear a motion from the media outlets.

Madison County Drug Bust
Madison County authorities
seized about 200-thousand dollars worth of marijuana in a major drug bust on
Tuesday night. Police say they uncovered over 60 marijuana plants and an
elaborate indoor growth operation system in a mobile home, just off Highway 63,
in Marshall. Authorities say this bust is linked to a multi-million dollar sting
stretching across state lines into Tennessee. This pot growing operation is the
third one that has been uncovered in the mountains in a little more than a week.

19E widening update
With all the reports saying the 19E widening project has
been delayed for 1-year, one are official, Burnsville Mayor, David Grindstaff,
says he’s been told it’s not far from being back on the original schedule.
Grindstaff said Alan Thornburg, formerly with NCDOT, now a NC Court of Appeals
Judge said the DOT and US Fish and Wildlife has come to some type of agreement,
relating to the impact of the widening project on the Elk toe Mussel, and if
this agreement is approved, the widening project could begin with the
“right-of-way” process this fall. It had previously been reported that the
project would be delayed until March of 2005.

New Principals for Mitchell
Two new principal positions were filled Monday Night by the
Mitchell Board of Education. Hired, effective July 1st, are Jack Brooks as
Principal at Mitchell High and Rick McCurry, Principal at Buladean Elementary.
Brooks, taught at Mitchell High in the mid 80’s until 1992. He has been
Principal of Highlands High School, in Macon County, for the past 6-years. Rick
McCurry, has been assistant principal at Mitchell High School for the past 4

Mitchell jail to be demolished
About 100 people showed up for a public meeting last night
in Bakersville, to provide input on the fate of the old Mitchell County Jail and
to make suggestions on how to use the historic Mitchell County Courthouse. The
jail was the site of a tragic fire nearly 2-years ago that killed 8 people.
Mitchell Commissioners listened and after a brief closed session voted to
demolish the structure.. On the subject of the use of the historic Mitchell
Courthouse, Commissioners said the want to form a committee to plan the future
of the historic building.

"Mountain Time" Could Mean Jobs
The announcement earlier this week of a full-length feature movie being filmed in Burnsville has economic leaders very excited. Yancey Manager Michele Lawhern says the film will not only need actors, but jobs like carpenters,
electricians, painters etc. The Film “Mountain Time,” inspired by the book “The Window of Childhood,” by Asheville Pediatrician Dr Olson Huff, is the story of a successful, young urban pediatrician, whose life changes when he visits a small mountain town. Lawhern says there's even talk of the
movie becoming a TV series. Filming is expected to begin in late spring.

Marion Man Killed in Machine Accident
A Marion man died Thursday after being trapped in a machine at work. The victim has been identified as Ronald Revis, he was 58. The accident happened around noon at Superior Machine Company on Highway 70. The company repairs rock crushers. General Manager Woody Cunningham said it appeared a piece of Revis’ clothing got caught in one of the machines, and he was pulled into it.
O.S.H.A., the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is investigating the accident.

It’s Business as Usual
On the heels of the announcement by Avondale Mills to close their Burnsville Plant in May, the rumor mill has been flying around that the Burnsville Bi-Lo Supermarket will be affected by the company’s decision to sell 292 stores in 4-southeastern states. New store Manager Randy Bishop, said it’s probably a positive move for the company and as far as he’s concerned, his store is here to serve the community and its business as usual.

F.B.E.M.C. committee to select new board members
The Board of Directors of French Broad Electric Membership Corporation has appointed a nominating committee to select persons for the four seats on the board that expire this year.
The committee will meet on Wednesday, March 17th, at 1:00 pm, in the Conference Room of French Broad’s office on Highway 213, between Marshall and Mars Hill.

Pedestrian Access Gets Boost
Burnsville and Yancey County agree to act as applicants for a NC Dept of Transportation “Pedestrian Planning Grant,” initiative that would provide the framework for the development and implementation of new and improved sidewalks, improved connectivity to destination points, increase commerce and tourism and promote a healthy lifestyle and community. Healthy Yancey will develop the grant application on behalf of the Town of Burnsville and Yancey County.

Updating Burnsville Ordinances
For the past 6-months or so, Burnsville’s Town Council has been reviewing the Town’s ordinances that were established in 1978-79. The updated ordinances are available for public review at town hall. The changes to the ordinances will be adopted at the boards April 1st meeting.

Kidnapping Charges in Yancey
Yancey Deputies have charged a Burnsville man with 2nd degree kidnapping and assaulting a female. Jaun Solis Suniga, 22, of West Burnsville Church Road, is in jail under a $13-thousand secured bond. According to a release from the Sheriff’s Department, at approximately 11:40 pm, on Sunday, March 7th, Deputies were called to a residence on Snowberry Lane, off Bakers Creek Road. The caller said a male had entered the residence and was attempting to attack the female. Deputies entered the residence and took the suspect into custody. He was carrying a 9mm handgun. Authorities said the alleged victim was obviously shaken by the incident, but not injured. The alleged victim told authorities she had recently met the suspect, but gave no explanation why the incident occurred. Suniga will appear in Yancey County District Court this Thursday.

Burnsville Could be the Setting For a Feature Movie
Downtown Burnsville, may just become the setting for full-length movie to be filmed this year. “Mountain Time,” inspired by the book “The Window of Childhood,” by Asheville Pediatrician, Dr Olson Huff, paints a picture of a young urban pediatrician on the treadmill of success, whose life changes immeasurably when he visits a small mountain town in need of a children’s doctor. Yancey County Manager, Michele Lawhern says the county is excited about the project, and this would be a tremendous boost to the areas economy. She said its fits perfectly with the county’s efforts to develop creative and innovative opportunities for job creation and growth. Filming is slated to begin in late spring!!

Is unemployment causing an increase in Burnsville's crime ??
Burnsville Police report a dramatic increase in the number of crimes reported so far this year. On February 4th, Melissa Gail King, of Summit Street, was arrested for a larceny at Dover’s Chevron, and Robert Lingerfelt, also of Summit Street, was charged with 3-counts of larceny from Roses, in Burnsville. In unrelated cases, on February 11th, Joshua Phillip White, of Burnsville, was charged with 3-counts of larceny, and on February 19th, Thomas Yates McMahan, 36, of Burnsville, was arrested on 2-counts of breaking into a coin operated machine, 2-counts of larceny and 3-counts of vandalism. Burnsville Police Chief Rick Turner said the increase in crime may be partly due to higher unemployment rates in the community. He said his department is prepared for any increase in crime as more people in our area are left jobless.

Getting Washington's attention
On the heels of the recent closing of Taylor Togs in Bakersville and the announcement that Avondale Mills will close its Burnsville Plant in May, one area representative says our need is now, and we’ve got to get Washington’s attention. North Carolina State Representative Phillip Frye says although the economy across the state and country appears to be getting brighter, there are pockets in North Carolina that have gone off the charts with business/industry closings and that means lost jobs. He said we need help now to keep what we have here and incentives to attract future business/business growth. He also said he favors reducing the corporate tax in the state. Frye currently represents Avery, Caldwell and Mitchell County’s in the General Assembly

Yancey Drug Arrests
Yancey Deputies have made several arrests as a result of illegal drug violations in the County. Timothy Lee Renfro, 36, of Highway 80 South has been charged with 3-counts of possession, selling and maintaining a vehicle to keep and transport drugs—the illegal drug was
Methadone. He was charged and released after posting a secured bond of $10,500. Renfro has a March 12th court date. And Deputies have charged Jackie Ray Bullman, 26, of 29 Turtle Rock Road, in Burnsville, with possessing a schedule 4 controlled substance. He was released from jail after posting a $500 secured bond. Bullman’s court date is March 30th.

Keep Them in School
A Mitchell Chamber of Commerce education initiative will offer rewards to the class of 2007 for staying in school and graduate. Chamber Executive Director Shirley Hise says it’s a huge economic factor for the county to not have a population with high school diplomas and specific skills. The chamber will be raising funds for college scholarships for the 2007 class at Mitchell High School. Hise says we all own the problem of education in Mitchell County. The initiative is called: “Mission of a Lifetime.”

Crime on the rise in Burnsville
Burnsville Police report a dramatic increase in the number of crimes reported so far this year. On January 22nd, Candice Sparks Hughes and Timothy Mark Hughes, of Galley Street, in Burnsville were charged with 4-counts of forgery and uttering and 4-counts of aiding and abetting forgery and uttering. On February 13th, are Johnny Lee Autrey and Billy Dean Biggs were charged with 14-counts each of forgery and uttering. The two were arrested in Buncombe County, as they were preparing to flee the state to avoid prosecution. So far this year the department has taken 48 separate reportable offenses, officers have worked 19 motor vehicle accidents, issued 72 citations for driving offenses and they have made a total of 66 arrests.

19E Widening Delayed
The North Carolina Department of Transportation says improvements to US 19 and US 19E from I-26 in Madison County to Spruce Pine in Mitchell County will be delayed 1-year!! The reason, the impact of the project on the Appalachian Elktoe Mussel, which is in the Cane River at the US 19E Bridge in Yancey County. The Elktoe Mussel is on the federally protected endangered list. Right-of-way acquisition for the $127-million is now scheduled to begin in March 2005 and construction in March 2007. Area economic leaders say this delay is another blow to the area’s shaky economy.

Yancey Deputies discover "meth" lab
Yancey Deputies have arrested Perry G Frierson III, 29, of Barnardsville, in Buncombe County, with manufacturing methamphetamine, a felony. The arrest is the result of an investigation into the illegal manufacture of the “meth” at a residence off 19W, in the Cane River Community. Frierson lived at this residence during the investigation, but has since moved to Buncombe County. He was released after posting a $10,000.00 secured bond. His court date is March 12th.

Yancey teacher named "Regional Teacher of the Year."
Peter Bobbe English an Advanced English Instructor, has been named the “Regional Teacher of the Year.” The region is the 18-western most counties in the state. Schools Superintendent, Dr Ivan Randolph, said he’s very proud of Bobbe and the entire teaching staff in Yancey County. Mr. Bobbe will represent Yancey County and the 18-western most counties in North Carolina in the statewide competition in May.

Avondale Will Close in May...
Avondale Mills, of Burnsville, will close May 4th, putting 163 workers out of jobs. Avondale
officials said they could not compete with overseas markets and they had to, with regret, close the Burnsville Plant. The news brought shock to the community and government leaders. Yancey Commissioner Blaine Whitson said the county will do what ever it can to help these displaced workers. He said Yancey County is doing everything they can to bring jobs here, they're advertising, they're on the internet and they're interviewing company's, trying to get them to move into the OMC Plant.

Dogs Poisoned in Mitchell County
Mitchell County authorities are investigating a string of dog poisonings. A total of 13 dogs have died from eating tainted food in the Fork Mountain and Bad Creek communities; six dogs are still missing. People who live in the area are very upset. They are also worried that a child might eat the poisoned food. Poisoning an animal is a felony. If you have any information, call Mitchell County Animal Shelter at 765-6952.

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