(Submit your Church Announcement by emailing 940@wkyk.com)

Beautiful fall leaves at Mtn View Baptist Church on Seven Mile Ridge. Photo
by Tammy Loftis.

Church Cancellations are on The Home Page. Look for "School & Special Announcements Link" Click Here for Cancellations 
For PRAYER REQUESTS Scroll to the Bottom of This Page 
New Pastor at Plumtree Presbyterian click here 
Empowering Hands Accepting Donations * The Empowering Hands Thrift Store at Abundant Life Outreach (in the old Roses building in Spruce Pine) is now accepting donations of clothing, household items, and furniture. 
Brookside Rehabilitation Welcomes Entertainment Brookside Rehabilitation and Care in Burnsville NC is in need of evening entertainment during the week. The residents have enjoyed this in the past and they want to encourage gospel and bluegrass quartets/singers to begin to come entertain again. This is a perfect opportunity for you to showcase your talents for a very receptive audience. If you don’t have a group and would simply like to come play the piano/sing, that would be welcome as well. The residents usually finish with their evening meal around 6:45 or 7pm and you would play for 30 minutes to an hour. If you are interested please contact Derek Freeman, Activity Director at 828-682-9759. 
Church Provides Transportation to and From Their Services * Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Spruce Pine has begun a van ministry to provide transportation to and from their church services. If you are in need of transportation, or know of someone who is, contact 765-6322, and leave a message on the church answering machine and they will return your call and set up transportation for you. 
Crossroads Church in New Location *
Crossroads Church in Spruce Pine has moved from Estatoe to Upper Street in
Spruce Pine. They are now located across from People's Furniture Company
in the former Employment Security Commission offices. Their services are
now being held in this new location.

Fall Revival *
Calvary Baptist Church in the Cane
Creek Community of Bakersville has scheduled a fall revival beginning Sunday,
Oct. 30th - Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. Sunday's service will begin at 6:30pm
with Mon.-Wed. beginning at 7pm nightly. Scheduled preachers are: Rev.
Randall Robinson, Rev. Allen Laws, Rev. Darrin Waldroup, and Rev. Nathan Silver.
Singers include the Windom Baptist Church Choir, The Edwards Family, and the Mt.
Carmel Singers. Pastor Shane Gunter and congregation invite all to attend!
For more information contact Pastor Shane Gunter at 828-467-4862

Revival with Rev. Terry Rainey *
Snow Hill Baptist Church will be in
revival beginning Sunday, October 30th through Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00
pm nightly. Rev Terry Rainey from Motlow Creek Baptist Church, Campobello, South
Carolina will be preaching each night. Special singing includes Mary Thomas; New
Roots, Ted Willis & Pam Pitman. Pastor Dean Honeycutt would like to extend an
invitation to you to join them in their revival.

Revival with Revs. Keith Miller
and Kelly Pitman *
Revival begins Monday October 31st
at 7:00pm nightly at The First Freewill Baptist Church in Spruce Pine.
Evangelists preaching will be Rev. Keith Miller and Rev. Kelly Pitman and they
will have special singing nightly. Pastor Ralph Hedrick and the
congregation invites all to attend.

Bible Study at the Senior Centers *
Bible Study is held at the Mitchell Senior Center in Bakersville every Tuesday morning at 10:00am and at the Yancey Senior Center every Wednesday at 12:00pm. For more information, for Mitchell call 688-3019, for Yancey call 678-3581.

Tuesday Evening Services
Brother Darrell Tipton holds services every Tuesday night at 6:45pm in the Community Building at Woodland Hills Apartments. Everyone is welcome to

Donations Accepted for Church Yard Sale
Jacks Creek Presbyterian Church
will be accepting donations Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall for the
church yard sale Saturday November 5th. All proceeds will be going towards
Presbyterian World Hunger. The yard sale will be from 8:00am-1:00pm.

L arge
Indoor Yard Sale Benefit for the Needy
Large indoor rummage sale at South
Toe Baptist Church on Lower White Oak Creek Road in Yancey County. Benefits to
go to the needy in the community. Something for everyone! Baked goods available.
November 4, 5, 11, & 12. 8am - ? Follow signs.

Survivors of Suicide Loss Meeting *
Survivors of suicide loss meet at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday of every month in the parlor of Spruce Pine United Methodist Church. Call Jodie at 688-5851 for additional information. The next meeting will be Tuesday
November 1st.
Benefit Car Show, Barbecue & Gospel Singing for The Charlie Proffitt Family The staff at WKYK and WTOE will present a Benefit Car Show, Barbecue and Gospel Singing for the Charlie Proffitt Family Saturday November 5th. The car show will start at 12:00 noon at Mountain Heritage High School in the upper tennis court parking lot. Entry fee is $10 per car. Awards and prizes will be given for "Best of Show" and 2nd Place. Entrants will serve as judges. A benefit barbecue dinner begins at 12:00pm with barbecue provided by Bubba's Good Eats, coleslaw provided by Bantam Chef, baked beans,
chips, and drink for $10 per plate. Dine in or take out. Pre-buy tickets at WKYK studios or by calling Lee McFarland at 284-4595. Bluegrass Gospel concert starts at 5:00pm in the auditorium. Admission is free with a love offering accepted. Dylan Wilson will serve as the emcee and performing will be Joshua Generation, Priscilla Jones and Tammy McEntire, His Fold, and The Cody Hull Band.

30 Year Celebration at Unity
Baptist Church
Unity Baptist Church of Burnsville
will be having a 30 Year Celebration on Saturday November 5th at 3:00pm at the
church. This will be a time of preaching and reflecting back on what the
Lord has done the past 30 years. The Edwards Family of Burnsville will be
singing. All members and past members are invited to attend. For more
information call Pastor Ricky Hensley at 284-9310. The church is located
on West Glendale Avenue in Burnsville.

Annual Potluck Supper
The Pensacola Freewill Baptist Church
Ladies Auxiliary will be having their rescheduled Annual Potluck Supper on
Saturday November 5th at 5:00pm. All donations will go to the Widow's Oil
Fund. Everyone is invited.

Food Giveaway
God's Hand's Ministry continues to give away free food, every Monday from 10:00am until 2:00pm. The food ministry is located at Crabtree Chapel Baptist Church, located on Crabtree Road at the Yancey/Mitchell county line "up the valley" above Young's Mountain Music. For further info call Rev. Fred Proctor at 828-536-4341.
Free Meal Every Monday at 5pm
Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church is offering a fresh, nutritious and delicious meal, free to anyone in our community, every Monday at 5:00pm in the Family Life Center located across from the Reconciliation House in Burnsville.

Revival with Rev. Jimmy Arrowood
Beans Creek Freewill Baptist Church
will be in revival beginning Monday November 7th at 7:00pm nightly. Rev. Jimmy
Arrowood will be doing the preaching. Pastor Marvin Silvers and the congregation
invites everyone to attend.

Jubilee Services with Bros. David Bryant and Steve Price
Jubilee services will be held
Saturday, November 12th at 4 pm at Lower Rice Creek Baptist Church in Flag Pond,
TN. Preaching will be Bro. David Bryant and Bro. Steve Price. Pastor Logan
Buchanan and congregation invite all to attend.

Preaching with Rev. Roy Yelton *
The Rev. Roy Yelton from Johnson
City, TN will be holding service at Ridgeview Church at Red Hill Sunday morning
November 13th at 11:00am. Everyone is welcome.

Operation Christmas Child:Yancey Collection Site
This year during the Operation Christmas Child Season Yancey County will have
it's first ever Operation Christmas Child shoebox Relay Center as a part of
Samaritans Purse, Operation Christmas Child (OCC), High Country Area. The Relay,
Collection Center will be
located in the Family Life Center at Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church in
Burnsville, located just behind the church at 101 North Main Street in
Burnsville, and will be open and staffed during Collection
Week of Monday, November 14 thru Monday, November 21, 2011.
hours will be noon-3:00pm Monday and Friday, 5-7:00pm all other weekdays and
1:00pm-5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday during collection week. For information on
how to pack a shoe box and what items to pack
click here. On Tuesday November 22nd they will load all the filled cartons
and take them to Samaritan’s Purse in Boone. They are in need of a box van to
make the delivery. If you can help contact Wes Presnell at 208-2834.

Blackwood Quartet
to Sing at Greenway Baptist Church
The Blackwood Quartet will be performing at Greenway Baptist Church, located at
880 Greenway Road in Boone, NC, Friday November 18th at 6:30pm. No
admission will be charged. A freewill offering will be accepted.
Prior to the singing they will have a Chicken and Ham Biscuit Dinner from
4:00pm-6:00pm at the church. For more information call Ron Chadwell at

Benefit Singing
There will be a Benefit Singing for Eric "Whitey" Gillis at New Bridge Baptist
Church in Woodfin, NC Saturday November 19th at 6:00pm. Singing will be
His Fold, and All for Him. Everyone is welcome.
 Nation-wide Call to Prayer A plea has gone out nationwide for all prayer warriors to pause each night at 9:00pm to say a prayer for our troops, our nation and our leaders that our nation would turn back to God. This is a nationwide prayer movement and we ask that you consider doing this when time allows. 
Prayer Requests
The Gosnell family, Madge Peterson and her family, Betty Sparks, Brenda Lane, Martha Jones,
Isaiah Williams, Hunter Davis, Bryson Davis, Tony Davis, Jennifer Davis, Ray
Buchanan, and Kim Ellison. (posted 11/1)...Thula and Kenny Sparks. (posted 10/31)...The Steven Shade family, the family of Earl McGee, special
requests of prayer, Johnny Miller, Carl Hileman, Betty Hileman, Maude
Delaney and family, Mary Lee Hardin, Ellen Bradley, Whitney Robinson Hensley, Addison Miller, Charles Bradford,
Kim Banks, and several unspoken requests. (posted 10/28)...Erica and Buster Garland
and their family: the King Family, Garland Family and Cashion
family. Also pray for Johnny Miller. (posted 10/27)...Joyce Taylor, Ricky Edwards, Tamra Peterson and all the young
people, James Carroll, Thula and Kenny Sparks, Stewart Edwards, Jimmy
Ellison, and Anderson Coffey. (posted 10/26)...Sammy Hensley, and Johnny
Miller. (posted 10/25)...**If you have a name you'd like added to the prayer requests for the community to pray for email dennis@wkyk.com

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 This page was last updated on
Thursday, 13 October 2011 10:43 AM |