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Scores and Pictures
Middle School Sports Standings
Cougar Varsity Football Roster
Cougar JV Football Roster
Subway Offensive Player of the Game
Bubba's Defensive Player of the Game

Heritage at Avery Varsity Football Pictures, click here
Heritage and Avery JV Football Pictures, click here
Tri County Bowl Championship Pictures, click here
Heritage and McDowell Volleyball Pictures, click here
Burnsville Town scamper Results - Overall, click here
Burnsville Town Scamper Results by age, click here

Youth Basketball
Registration Changes for K-Under Teams
The Yancey County Youth League will be holding basketball registration for girls
and boys for the following grades:
K-Under (fundamental league only), 1st–2nd grade, 3rd–4th grade, 5th–6th grade,
on Tuesday, October 25th and Thursday, October 27th at Burnsville Elementary
School Gym from 5:30-8:00. Also on Saturday, October 29th at the new County
Recreation Park on Whittington Road off 19W (next to old mud sling) from
10:00-12:30 and at Burnsville Elementary School Soccer field from 10:00-12:30.
Please note that Saturday, October 29th will be the last day for sign-ups for
K-Under and 1st -2nd graders since the season will start the first week of

Penny Lane Buckner has qualified for the
States after playing in the Regionals this past weekend. She defeated:
Fuller 6-2, 6-1, Zopp 6-0. 6-1. The 2A State Championship will be held
at the Cary Tennis Center in Cary October 28 and 29th.
Penny Lane is a senior at Mountain Heritage and is the daughter of
Robert and Natalie Buckner and the granddaughter of Raymond and Nancy
Fox of Burnsville and Ira Buckner of Weaverville. |

This is a picture of the East Yancey 3rd and 4th grade football team wearing their pink wristbands for breast cancer awareness month. There are many team members and coaches whose lives have been affected by the disease and we want to show our support for finding a cure. This was allso in honor of one of our team member's mother, Kristan Brooks.

Senior Cross Country Team Members Recognized
Mountain Heritage High School would like to recognize the Senior Cross Country team members for the 2011 season. They have had an outstanding season! Pictured (l-r) are senior members: Top Row: Nick Thomas, Christian Huskins; Middle Row: Alex Shaw, Joel Camper; Bottom Row: Courtney Wahlers, Mckenzie Pauley, Victoria Mast.

Street, Buckner On To Regionals
Mountain Heritage High School seniors, Penny Lane Buckner (right) and Lauren Street are heading to the regionals, Friday 10/21 at Gardner Webb. Both won their matches in the WHC tournament held at Owen High School. Buckner won 10-0 and Street won 8-4. The two teamed up in doubles for three years and went undefeated in Western Highland Conference play. Buckner also finished her senior year undefeated in conference and all non conference play.The team is coached by Brent Laws. Many thanks to all the loyal support the team received from parents and friends.