Health &
The North Carolina Health &
Wellness Trust Fund Commission has announced grants totaling $12.34 million for
87 organizations in the state. Mission Healthcare Foundation, in Asheville, has
been awarded a grant of $185 thousand to expand “Prescription Assistant
Coordinator” staff time for services to additional low income and senior
patients in Buncombe, Madison, Mitchell and Yancey County’s. And, Mitchell County
Schools has received a grant of $5 thousand for assisting in policy development,
enforcement and "stop Smoking" programs in the schools.

and Retaining
A project that started
in 1996, and created jobs was finally wrapped up this week with a public
hearing at Spruce Pine’s Town Hall: The project extended water service to
the Unimin Plant, on highway 226, in Minpro. To secure grant funding from
the state, Unimin agreed to create and retain jobs. 15-new jobs and retain
20 existing jobs.

Broad Annual Meeting
French Broad EMC will hold
its annual meeting Saturday, May 1st, at Madison High School, in
Marshall. Member registration and the health fair begin at 3:00 pm. The health
fair will feature many free screenings. The business session will feature
the election of 4-directors. Nominations made by the nominating committee are
Earle Wise, of Madison County, Gary Wilde, of Buncombe County, they face no
opposition. The nominations of Warren Buchanan and Bill Riddle from Yancey County will be challenged.
Nominations by petition are Wendell Wilson, he will oppose Buchanan, and Eddie
Faw, will oppose Riddle. Voting for directors will be from 3:00 pm until 6:00
pm. If you have any questions contact your local French Broad EMC office.

SP Gets
grant from OMC Foundation
Spruce Pine has
received a $50-thousand grant from the Outboard Marine Corporation
Foundation. The funds will be used for revitalization, beautification and
sidewalk improvements.

Season Opens
The official political
opens today with the start of the filing period for candidates wanting to
run for public office. The filing period ends May 7th. The primary will be
July 2oth. The general election will be Nov 2nd. For more information, call
your local Board of Elections office.

Yancey Sheriff’s Mother Dies
The Mother of Yancey County
Sheriff Kermit Banks has died. Pauline M Banks, age 88, of Cane River School
Road, in Burnsville, died Thursday, April 22, 2004, at her home. Mrs. Banks worked for the sheriff’s Dept for many years,
during her late husband Donald Banks’ 3-terms as Sheriff and during 4 of her son
Kermit Banks’ terms. Mrs. Banks worked as a cook, dispatcher and matron. Funeral
Services will be held today, at
3:00 pm, at
Cane River Baptist Church. Burial will follow in Cane River Church Cemetery. The
family will receive friends at the church from
1:30 pm until the service hour. The flag, on the front lawn
of the Yancey County Courthouse, has been lowered to half-staff in honor of Mrs.
Banks, and a marked Yancey County Sheriff’s Dept patrol vehicle has been parked
at her residence as a symbol of honor and respect for her and her families
continued service to the citizens of
Yancey County.

Mitchell Commissioners will meet in special
session, Thursday, at 4:30 pm, in the commissioner’s conference room, in the
administration building, in Bakersville. The purpose of the meeting will be to
consider approving the contract for the Mitchell County infrastructure plan.
Also on Thursday, Commissioners will hold a public hearing, at 6:00 pm, in the
superior courtroom, of the county courthouse. The purpose on the hearing will be
to obtain citizen comment on proposed plans and proposals for the secondary
improvement program for Mitchell County.

Movie Scouts in
Movie scouts began
searching in Burnsville, Monday, for locations for a feature film, based on a
book written by Asheville doctor, Olsen Huff. "Mountain Time" is the story of a
widower physician from Chicago, who brings his son to Burnsville for a summer of
medical mission work. Asheville native Bellamy Young has the female lead. The
male lead could be nailed down this week. Movie producers and Yancey County
development managers hope the shoot will bring good publicity, attract tourists
and bring jobs to an area hit hard by job losses. The movie starts shooting in
June and should premiere at the Asheville Film Festival in November.

Burnsville Updates City Ordinances
Burnsville's City Council has
update city ordinances. These ordinances address problems such as traffic,
debris, overgrown yards & junk cars!!

Worthless Checks
Two Spruce Pine men have been
charged in separate incidents involving the APEC Asphalt Company, of
Burnsville. Charles Lee Forbes, age 55, of Fairground Apartments, has been
charged with presenting a worthless check and obtaining property by false
pretenses. Forbes was charged and released from jail, April 10th,
after posting a $5000.00 secured bond. And Deputies have charged Kenneth Lee
Silvers, age 39, of Fortner Drive, in Spruce Pine, with 7 counts of obtaining
property by false pretenses, and 7 counts of passing worthless checks.
Silvers was arrested and released from jail, April 11th, after
posting a $29,000.00 secured bond.

Flag To Come Down
A Confederate flag flying
high above US 221 in McDowell County is coming down this weekend. The Sons
of Confederate Veterans raised the flag to symbolize their heritage. Some say
it's a part of history, others that the flag reminds them of the old South when
racism and hatred ran strong. NCDOT says the problem isn't the flag, or
community reaction to it, the problem is the flag pole--it sits on the
right-of-way, and it has to be moved.

Stay in School
The message is loud and
clear---stay in school and graduate. Shirley Hise, Director
of the Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce, says the Chamber is doing
everything they can to keep the Mitchell High Freshman Class in school and to
graduate in 2007. Education has been identified as a major component of the
county’s economic growth and future!!

Yancey Arrests
A Burnsville woman is facing
drug charges!! On Tuesday, April 13th, Yancey Deputies arrested
Martha Ann Johnson, age 39, of Peterson Mobile Home Park. She’s charged with
possession of cocaine, oxycontin, hydrocodone and drug paraphernalia; plus,
1-count of larceny of prescription drugs. Also on April 13th,
Deputies took Stephen Wayne Peyatt, age 19, of Rocky Springs Drive, in
Burnsville, into custody. While conducting a routine traffic stop, Deputy M.A. Letterman,
became suspicious when the accused was behind the wheel of a truck registered to
Silvers Construction, on Saw Mill Hollow Road. When Deputy Letterman ask him to
step outside the vehicle, Peyatt assaulted the deputy and started running. Charges against Peyatt include larceny of a motor vehicle,
assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. He remains jailed under a $7,000.00
secured bond.

New AMY Library
System Director
The Avery-Mitchell-Yancey
Regional Library System has named Pattie Bowers as its new director. She’s
currently the Librarian at Lee’s McCrae College, in Banner Elk. She
begins her new job on May 25th. Thersa Coletta, the current director, is
retiring after 24 years.

Break In at
Heritage High
Two Burnsville men have
been charged with breaking into Mountain Heritage High School and stealing money
and other valuables. School Staff discovered the break-in when they arrived
Thursday morning, April 8th, Deputies say the apparent motive was
money as the school was not vandalized, but almost every administrative office
had been entered. Deputies have charged Joseph Dewayne Gaskin, age 20, of Sang
Branch Road and Lloyd Raymond Phillips, age 16, of Walt Road, with felony
breaking and entering, felony larceny and felony possession of stolen property. Gaskin and Phillips are scheduled to
appear in Yancey District Court on April, 27th. Most of the stole
property has been recovered.

Mitchell Recreation Plan
Mitchell County is leaving
no economic stone unturned, they’re coming up with a recreation master plan
designed to draw sporting events and tourism to the county. Region D Council of
Governments will help the county develop this plan. County Commissioners see
this as a huge economic opportunity to bring people to the area and they spend

Burnsville Man
Jailed After Car Chase
A Burnsville man is in jail after a car chase that started
around midnight on Saturday, April 10th, near Schronce Creek Road, in
Yancey County and ended up in Grassy Creek, in Mitchell County. Charges, against David Eugene Stansberry, 22, of Pine Swamp Road, include
DWI, driving with a revoked license, reckless driving to endanger and resisting
a law enforcement officer. He is currently in the Yancey County
Jail. Deputies say Stansberry’s vehicle reached speeds of 100 miles per

New County
Manager Hired
Mitchell County Commissioners met this morning to discuss hiring a county
manager. By a vote of 5 to 0, they appointed Mitchell County resident Ryan
Whitson of Tipton Hill. He begins his new job on Monday, April 12th. Whitson's
salary is listed at $44,000 per year.

Becoming an
Back in January, Mitchell
County received a $100-thousand Economic Recovery Entrepreneurial Assistance
Grant, from the NC Dept of Commerce, for the purpose of helping displaced county
workers get the necessary training to create their own businesses. The county
has entered into an agreement with Mayland Community College to provide this
training. Richard Sullins, with Mayland, says the program can accept up to 74
displaced Mitchell County workers!!

Local Marine Wounded
Lance Cpl. Jeremiah
Shane Letterman, 21, was wounded during an attack in Ramadi, Iraq on Tuesday,
April 6th. Letterman was shot in the stomach and also hit with shrapnel in the
face and arm. He underwent emergency surgery and is expected to recover.
Letterman is 2001 graduate of Mitchell High School. His home station is Camp
Pendleton, CA. He is with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, Golf Company, 3rd

More Meth Labs
McDowell police have
discovered two methamphetamine labs, one in the Woodlawn Community and one on
Jacktown Road, both had chemicals and equipment used to make meth. No arrests
have been made.

Services in
Little Switzerland
Mitchell Commissioners ran
into a bump in the road Monday. It seems the County has agreed to put a
permanent trash and recyclable location on County property on Chestnut Grove
Road in the Little Switzerland Community and they also agreed to allow Parkway
Fire Department to build a sub-station on the same property: So, they’ve ask the
group promoting the sub-station to go back to the drawing board and see if its
possible to do both. Commissioners agree both services are needed and they hope
it can be worked out.

Stay in School
A key component for Mitchell
County’s future was put into motion Friday at Mitchell High School--keeping our
kids in school and getting them educated. Claudia Pitman, president of the
Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce, says it’s vital for the future of our youth
and for Mitchell’s economy that the students graduate. The Chamber initiative
offers rewards to the class of 2007 for staying in school.

New Districts Approved
North Carolina’s legislative districts have received final
clearance from the federal government. The ruling also sets July 20th
as primary day in North Carolina. The new re-districting plan will affect
Yancey and Mitchell representation. Under the new plan, district 118, which is
currently made up of Haywood, Madison and Yancey County’s will change with next
year’s elections. The new 118th will be made of the Price’s Creek
prescient in Yancey, all of Madison and most of Haywood. The rest of Yancey
County will be in the 87th district, joining Avery, Caldwell and

Carolina’s Corporate Tax, under fire
North Carolina’s Corporate
Tax continues to come under fire. Phillip Frye, a Republican, from the 84th
district in the State House of Representatives, says the state's corporate tax
of 6.9% must be lowered to keep current industry, and attract new industry. Frye
says North Carolina's corporate tax is the highest among neighboring states in
the southeast. By comparison, South Carolina's corporate tax rate is 5.0%.