Body Discovered In Madison
A body found in Madison
County is believed to be a woman missing for three weeks. 42 year old Jan Proulx
disappeared near her daughter's house amid strange circumstances earlier this
month. A neighbor discovered the body in a wooded area Saturday morning. Due to
its condition there is no positive identification yet, but investigators say
they believe it is Proulx. Her husband, William Stankevich, was arrested shortly
after her disappearance on charges he communicated threats. When an autopsy is
complete, more charges could be brought against him.

A Question of Degree
Questions that
surfaced in April, in a published report, about the educational background of
Tom Singleton, the Director of the Toe River Health District, were addressed at
the health agency’s board of directors May meeting. At issue is the
creditability of Singleton’s Master’s degree, which he obtained by
correspondence from Hamilton University, in Wyoming. State health officials have
said the school is nothing more than a diploma mill, offering degrees without
much study. Singleton says at the time he obtained his degree, Hamilton
University was an accredited institution. At their May 20th
meeting, the board, after consulting with their attorney, Gerald McKinney, said
the previous board acted properly when they appointed Singleton as its Director
on October 30, 2001. McKinney was then directed to seek a formal opinion from
the state attorney general as to whether the board’s action was appropriate
under the law at that time.

Positive and
Beneficial Growth
Burnsville Mayor David
Grindstaff says several projects are moving forward; sidewalk improvements on
West Main, DOT resurfacing of West Main, as early as next week, West Glendale
water project Monday, Styles Building project on target to open in June 2005,
Installation of street lights on the Square is complete, with plans to possibly
extend lights down East, & West Main as-well-as North and South Main.

Spruce Pine
Burger King Robbed
Spruce Pine police are
investigating a robbery at Burger King, on South 226, just past Wal-Mart. Few
details are available, the incident happened between midnight and 12:30
am. Employees were closing when 2-3 masked men entered the store, at least one
of the men was armed. The men assaulted the workers, no one was seriously hurt.
An undetermined amount of money was taken. Authorities say no one can identify
the vehicle the thieves were driving or in which direction they made their
getaway. If anyone was in the area around midnight or just after, and saw anything, please call Spruce Pine Police at

A Lean Budget
in Spruce Pine
A copy of Spruce Pine’s proposed budget for
04-05 will be available June 1st, at Town Hall. A public hearing on the budget
will be June 24th. Town Manager Richard Canipe says no tax increase is

Job Fair Draws
Good Numbers
The Job fair, last Friday at
Mayland Community College drew close to 600 people looking for work. Sandy
Buchanan, with the Employment Security Commission, in Spruce Pine says
pplications will continue to be taken through Friday, May, 28th. An
apparel industry has said they are interested in coming to Spruce Pine. If they
come, they will create some 250 jobs with benefits.

Job Fair
Needs You
Are you unemployed?? Are you
under employed?? Or are you looking a career change?? If you answered “yes” to
any of these questions, area economic development leaders urge you to come to
the job fair. The job fair hours are 10-5, today, in the Sam Center, on the Spruce Pine
Campus of Mayland Community College

Bikes and
Bad Language in Spruce Pine
Bike riders on the sidewalks
and bad language are giving the Spruce Pine Police Department headaches.Chief
Hollifield says bike riders have hit parked cars and the windows in some of the
stores and he says shoppers could be hit by the riders. An ordinance prohibits
riding bicycles on town sidewalks---it’s a $25 fine. The Chief says some of the
young people are using language that is offensive to people who come to downtown
to shop.

Yancey Deputies
make B & E arrests
In news releases from the Yancey Sheriff’s
Department, Deputies have made several arrests in connection with separate
break-in’s and larcenies in the Prices Creek, and Green Mountain communities.
Charged are three Burnsville men, Roy Lee Elkins, 30, of Prices Creek Road,
Robert Keith Deyton, 37, of a Church Street address and Gerald Eugene “Geno”
Phillips, 35, of a Driftwood Lane address. Charged with 2 separate break-in’s in
the Bald Mountain Community are Kevin Lee Holcombe, 33, and his wife, Delilah
Fink Holcombe, 45, both of a Bald Mountain Road address. Elkins is in jail,
Deyton, Phillips and the Holcombe’s made bond. Each of the accused has June 11th
court dates.

Mitchell County Jail Demolition
A painful part of Mitchell
County's history started coming down on Monday. Crews began tearing down the old
jail in Bakersville that caught fire two years ago, killing eight inmates. Some
victim's families say they would like a permanent marker placed at the site to
remember those who died.

Job Fair
This Friday
The number of people who show up at a job
fair scheduled this Friday, in the Sam Center, on the Spruce Pine Campus, of
Mayland Community College, could very well be the determining factor if an
industry will locate in Spruce Pine—bringing with it some 250 jobs with
benefits: The job fair is this Friday, from 10-5, in the Sam Center, on the
Spruce Pine Campus of Mayland Community College.

Takes Mitchell Board of Education to Court
The Mitchell Board of
Education, in February, voted 3-2 not to renew the contract of Mitchell High
Principal Johnny Westall. On Friday, April 30th, lawyers representing
Westall filed a petition for judicial review with the Mitchell Clerk of Courts
office. According to court papers, North Carolina General Statutes states a
Board of Education’s decision not to renew a school administrator’s contract is
unlawful--if the decision is arbitrary, capricious, discriminatory, personal or
political. The petition claims the non-renewal of Westall’s contract was
entirely capricious, because it was made on the recommendation of a renewal and
because no reasons were given. The court documents further states Westall
received superlative comments from Mitchell Schools Superintendent Bill Sears
since he was first employed in 2000. The School Board has 30 days to respond to
the petition.

Tourism Week
This is National Tourism
Week; tourism is big business in North Carolina and its big business here at
home. In Mitchell County, tourism generates about $16 million each year, saving
each county resident about $100 in taxes each year. In Yancey County, tourism generated an
economic impact of $ 21.56 million and state and local travel to Yancey was $2.7
million, representing a $148 tax savings to each resident.

An Industry
is looking at Spruce Pine.
Mitchell County economic
leaders hope an Industry Recruitment package will payoff with jobs for the
region. If the industry decides to come to Spruce Pine, it would mean some
250 good paying jobs with benefits. A job fair is scheduled for Friday May 21st
Mayland Community College. Mitchell leaders
stress, this potential industry is hoping as-many-as a thousand people will
come to the job fair. The date again is Friday, May 21st, from
10-5, in the Sam Center, at Mayland Community
College, in Spruce Pine. Residents from Avery, Mitchell and Yancey County’s are urged to attend.

Spruce Pine
to Hire Auxiliary Police Officers
Spruce Pine Council has
approved a plan by Police Chief Coy Hollifield to hire auxiliary police
officers: Hollifield would recommend candidates to be hired. Final decision
on hiring would be up to the Council.

FVC Feeling
Economic Climate
Yancey County’s Family
Violence Coalition has told Burnsville’s Town Council today’s economic climate
is affecting their budgets too, as grant contributions are getting smaller and
smaller. Sara Ratliff, the Coalition Director, asked the Town of Burnsville for
$20 thousand. Council said they would consider the agency’s request. Ratliff
says all donations are welcome. If you would like to help in the fight against
domestic violence, call 682-5655, or send donations to Family Violence
Coalition, P.O. Box 602, Burnsville, 28714.

Riding Bicycles
on Spruce Pine Sidewalks
Spruce Pine’s Town Council
last night, addressed the problem of young people riding their bicycles on
downtown sidewalks: A town ordinance forbids riding bicycles or motorcycles on
any sidewalk within city limits. The fine is $25.

Asking for Your Vote
The filing period is over and it’s time for
candidates to campaign for your vote.
Mitchell County: All candidates are
Republicans. For County Commission, 5 candidates filed for 3 seats. Bill Burleson, Phil Byrd,
Mike Hensley, Jim Saylor and Bill Slagle. Burleson and
Slagle are current Commissioners. Longtime Commissioner Harry Anderson chose not
to run again.
Resister of Deeds: Tom Glenn, Patty Young
and Terry Wilson have filed. Patty Young is the current officer holder.
State House:(84th) Monroe Buchanan and
Phillip Frye filed. Frye is the current Representative.
Yancey County: For Commission
Chairman, Democrat Danny Hensley & Republican John Renfro have filed. Renfro is
the current Chairman.
For County Commissioner, four candidates
have filed for 2 seats: Democrats Nathan Bennett & Dean Hicks and Republicans
Freddy Penland and Blaine Whitson. Hicks and Whitson are current Commissioners.
Yancey Board of Education, (non-partisan) 10
candidates filed for 3 seats: Ronnie Biggerstaff, Elaine Boone, Karen Chandler,
Ron Chandler, Gary Grindstaff , Burl Huskins, Tim Laughrun, Dennis McCurry,
Randy Proffitt and Harvey Sharpe. Ron Chandler and Gary Grindstaff are current
board members.
Register of Deeds: Current officer holder
Willoree Jobe, (democrat) was the only person to file and will face no
NC House: (84th) C. Barry Williams
(Libertarian) has filed.
NC Senate: (47th) Keith Presnell
(Republican) has filed.
The primary is July 20th and the
general election is November 2nd.

Receives OMC Foundation Grant Check
As we reported back in February, Burnsville
was awarded a $250 thousand grant from the OMC Foundation. The check has arrived
and the town is ready to put the money to good use. Burnsville Mayor, David
Grindstaff says $200 thousand will be used for renovating the Styles Building
and $50 thousand will be placed into an education endowment fund. All citizens
can apply for the education funds; however preferential consideration will be
given to former employees of OMC and their families.

Jail to Be
The demolition of the Mitchell County Jail
is set to begin next week with a completion date of May 31st. NEO
Corporation, of Waynesville, with over 20 years in the demolition business, will
do the job for $34,700. The Jail was condemned in 2002, when a fire destroyed
the jail, killing 8 inmates.

Claims of Voter
Fraud in Madison
State agents say they’ve
wrapped up their investigation into claims of voter fraud in Madison County,
involving the 2002 Clerk of Court election. Now it’s up to the DA’s office to
decide if any charges will be filed. Authorities say supporters of candidate Tim
Cantrell received more than 60 absentee ballots in their mail boxes. The votes
didn’t count—Cantrell lost the race!!

A First
Look at the Budget
Mitchell Commissioners got a first look at
the preliminary county budget for 2004-2005, at their monthly meeting Monday
night. The tax rate will remain at 53 cents per $100 valuation. The proposed
budget totals $13,308,576. A public hearing on the budget has been set for June
7th, at the county administration building in Bakersville. By state
law, the budget must be adopted by June 30th.

Murder Investigation
A Madison County man who
reported an accidental shooting turns out to be the triggerman. That's according
to the Sheriff. Deputies found 23 year old Eric Hensley shot in the head at a
home on Walnut Creek Road Monday night. He died after being airlifted to Mission
Hospitals. Deputies charged 33 year old Jackson Ramsey, Junior with the murder.
He lives at the home on Walnut Creek. They won't reveal what led up to the
shooting, but say alcohol played a role.

Baxter to cut 75 jobs
Baxter Healthcare, in Marion, has announced
plans to cut 75 jobs at its North Cove Facility. The cuts at the medical
products company could begin in late spring or early summer and continue through
the end of the year. Currently, the plant employs 2,700 people The Company said
cuts are expected to be in administrative and supportive positions, not in
production. Baxter International, announced in April, plans to cut 3-4 thousand
jobs of its global workforce. Half of the jobs were expected to be outside the

Access to Some Mitchell County Jail Fire Records
The N.C. Court of
Appeals ruled Tuesday the State Bureau of Investigation cannot withhold public
records just because they are part of an SBI probe.The decision should force the
agency to release public records that are part of its investigation in a May
2002 jail fire that killed eight inmates.The Asheville-Citizens Times and WLOS-TV
filed the lawsuit after the SBI refused to release any part of the Mitchell
County jail fire investigation, which found no wrongdoing on the part of public

Animals Killed in Madison
Members of a Madison County
farming family say something or someone, is killing their cattle and doing it in
a gruesome way. Six steers have died on the Cutshall's farm in the Shelton
Laurel community. Something has left large puncture wounds in the heads of the
cattle and chewed the ears. There is no blood and the cattle haven't been
touched anywhere else on their bodies. Investigators say the first three may
have been shot, but they're bringing in a veterinarian to check the animals. The
livestock losses total more than $5,000 for the Cutshalls.

Murder Investigation
A gunshot victim dies after
being airlifted to Mission Hospitals. Madison County Deputies found the man in
the yard of a home on
Walnut Creek Road
around 7:30 Monday night. One man is in custody charged with the murder. Right
now, there is no word on a motive for the shooting. Deputies are waiting to
notify the next of kin before releasing the victim's name.

Detained and Arrested
Last night between 5:30 & 6
pm, police authorities in Spruce Pine and Mitchell County were advised to be on
the lookout for a Gold Lexus, with Maryland tags, believed to be the getaway car
involved in an armed robbery of “Linville Market,” in Avery County. At around 6:45 pm the
vehicle was spotted just past 226 on 19E. While the three suspects, one black
male and 2-black females were being detained, the male suspect, by way of what
authorities call a declaration, admitted to the robbery. He said the female’s
distracted the store clerk, while he went behind the counter and was able take
money and a gun from a safe. The three suspects are in the Avery County Jail at
this hour. Spruce Pine Police, The Mitchell County Sheriff’s Department and the
Highway Patrol worked together to capture the suspects. The names of the accused
or any charges against them have not been released.

Who’s Running
Filing continues through noon Friday for
offices to be filled by voters in the November election. In Yancey County, 4
candidates have filed for three seats. The three incumbents, Dean Hicks, John
Renfro and Blaine Whitson have filed, and Freddie Penland has filed. 5
candidates have filed to run for 3 seats on the Board of Education. Current
Board members Ron Chandler & Gary Grindstaff have filed, also filing Burl
Huskins and Harvey Sharpe. Wiloree Jobe has filed for another term as Register
of Deeds. And, Keith Presnell has filed for 47th Senate seat, in the
North Carolina General Assembly. The 47th is made up of Avery,
Haywood, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey.
In Mitchell County, 5 candidates have filed
for 3 commissioner’s seats. Incumbents Bill Burleson and Bill Slagle have filed
for another term. Also filing to run are Phil Byrd, Mike Hensley and Jim Saylor.
Register of Deeds Patti Young is being challenged by Tom Green and Terry
Wilson. Filing for the State House of Representatives, 84th district, is
incumbent Philip Frye, he will face Monroe Buchanan. Redistricting will change
the 84th, with this years election, the new 84th covers
all of Avery and Mitchell, a portion of Caldwell, and all but one prescient of
Yancey County.
The primary is July20th and the
general election is November 2nd.