Prostitution Bust in McDowell
Police have broken up an
alleged prostitution ring in
County. Police say the operation is based out of West Marion, but the problem is
county wide, and maybe even bigger. It also involves drugs and larceny, as well
as prostitution. Lewis Young is charged with maintaining a dwelling for
prostitution. Alana Williams is accused of crimes against nature and
prostitution. Police say she's the madam for at least five other women. They
also say an arrest in Morganton last week led to this bust.

Felony Drug
Mitchell investigators have charged a Spruce
Pine man felony drug charges. On Thursday, August 26th, Deputy Frank
Catalano was serving a civil paper at a residence on Halltown Road, when he
smelled what appeared to be odor of marijuana coming from inside the residence.
He call for assistance from Detectives, who obtained a probable cause for a
search warrant, they found approximately 1lb, 3oz of marijuana stored throughout
the residence. Lt Detective Chris Gillespie charged Jason Daniel Quinn, Jr., age
47, with various drug charges, including manufacturing marijuana, possession
with intent to sell and deliver marijuana and maintaining a dwelling for
controlled substances. He was released on an $8 thousand bond.

A Burnsville man, arrested after Yancey
Deputies search his Roland Branch Road residence for illegal drugs, is also a
wanted fugitive from Florida. Elias Ramos Publea, age 50, is currently in jail
charged with possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Publea is wanted by
Seminole County Florida authorities on drug charges and probation violations.
Deputies have also charged a Haywood County
man with various drug violations and with providing false information to a law
enforcement officer. Amos Hensley Jones, age 51, of Waynesville was arrested
after drugs and drug paraphernalia were found in his vehicle in the Pensacola
Community. A criminal history check revealed Jones was wanted by Jackson County
Deputies, in Sylva, on 14 counts of breaking and entering manufacturing
methamphetamine and possessing weapons of mass destruction. He has been
transported to Jackson County to face charges. Jones is scheduled to return to
Yancey County District Court on October 5th

Shots Fired,
Three Men Arrested
On Sunday, at about 3:00 pm, the Yancey
County’s Sheriff’s Department received 6 separate 911 calls from residents at
David Peterson’s Mobile Home Park, reporting shots being fired and some type of
dispute. When Deputies arrived, three Hispanic males were seen running from the
mobile home park, they were chased down and detained until it could be
determined what had occurred in the mobile home park. According to Lt Tom
Farmer, the three men had secretly entered the rear door of a mobile home at Lot
#1. Two adult females occupied the home when they entered. Once inside, the men
refused to leave or let the occupants of the mobile home leave. In the meantime,
the mother of one of the females showed up at the trailer armed with a handgun.
She fired three rounds outside the trailer. The three men ran from the trailer
and the park and that’s when they were detained by deputies. According to
Farmer, the three men and two females have had previous altercations where law
enforcement was called to investigate. Deputies arrested three Burnsville men;
Jose Leon, age 19, of a Broad Street address, Walle Petra Pamlmillas, age 19, of
Wheeler’s Mobile Home park and Romara Meza, age 19, of Pine Swamp Road. They’re
charged with felony breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony
assault. The three men are currently in jail awaiting a September 10th
court date.

A Celebratory
On Friday, Yancey County held what was
called a “Celebratory Event,” at the site of the County’s Children & Family
Medical, Health & Human Services Campus. Special Guest was 11th
District Congressman, Charles Taylor. He said a health presence is needed for
the growing population in Burnsville. He said he ask the appropriations
committee for $1 million for the project and is very hopeful of getting the
funds. When completed, the primary care facility will offer pediatrics, family
medicine, plus mental health and social services all in one location.

Second Rabies
Case in Yancey
The Yancey County Health Department reports
a second case of rabies was confirmed Friday, August, 27, 2004, in West Yancey.
The first case was a cat on Hardscrabble and the second is a gray fox on Possum
Trot. The best way to protect your family & pets from exposure to the rabies
virus is to give your pets the rabies vaccine. A low-cost rabies clinic is being
held today (Saturday), until 3:00 pm, at the Humane Society Animal shelter, on
Cane River School Road, in Burnsville. The price of the rabies vaccine is $5 per
pet. Residents, who live in the West Yancey vicinity, are strongly urged to get
your pet’s rabies vaccine booster. If you have any questions or need help in
reporting a bite, call the Yancey County Health Department. Work hours,
8:00am-4:30 pm, call 682-6118, after hours, call 682-2124.
Health officials at the Mitchell County
Health Department say while at this time there are no cases in the county, they
urge everyone to be alert and do not pet stray animals and report aggressive or
sickly animals to the Mitchell Health Department. Call 688-2371.

Man Jailed
After Chase
A domestic dispute Sunday
morning, on Lester Lane, in the Lincoln Park Community, of Yancey County, ended
up with a Bakersville man being arrested after leading Yancey Deputies on a
chase down Lincoln Park & Mitchell Branch Roads—the chase ended when the suspect
slammed his vehicle into a bank on Green Mountain Drive about a mile east of the
School Bus Garage. Charged with fleeing arrest and several drug violations is
Lonnie Mack Davis, Jr. age 31. He sustained minor injuries and was treated and
released from Spruce Pine Community Hospital. Davis was then jailed where he
remains under a $5 thousand bond. Yancey Lt Tom Farmer said Davis and two of his
friends went to a residence where his former wife was staying. They attempted to
get her to leave with them and that’s when an altercation between all parties
occurred. Farmer said knives were pulled and someone may have fired shots from a
handgun before Davis fled from the residence. Farmer said luckily no officers or
anyone involved in the altercation on Lester Lane was injured.

McDowell County Meth Busts
Six people are under arrest
after investigators bust three methamphetamine labs in McDowell County. An SBI
team was already in town for an earlier bust on Thursday. They later impounded a
car that housed a meth lab. Then they were called out to suspicious property at
a camper trailer. That's where authorities spent the night digging through
evidence. Police say it's a growing problem in the area. Last year 177 meth labs
were busted in western
North Carolina. There have already been 216 this year.

Stay in
School & Learn a Marketable Skill
Today’s job place is changing and it’s
critical for kids to; stay in school, get that diploma and learn a marketable
skill. Robin Buchanan, an Associate Superintendent with the Mitchell County
School System says these job place changes require more specialized training.
She says having a marketable skill will help students provide a living for
themselves and their families in the future.

Community Morns
The Mars Hill Community &
the Mars Hill College Family are morning the death of Fred B. Bentley, president
emeritus of Mars Hill College and its president for 30 years, who died Thursday
after a battle with colon cancer. He was 68. Bentley led Mars Hill from 1966 to
1996. At age 30, he became the youngest college president in the United States.
Plans for a memorial service will be announced within the next few days.

Felony Drug
Mitchell Deputies have
charged three Bakersville residents on various felony drug charges. An
investigation into activity occurring at a residence on 226 North in the
Buladean Community lead deputies to secure a search warrant for the residence
and property of Dennis Ray Townsend, age 41—some of his charges include
possession with intent to sell & deliver Marijuana and maintaining a dwelling
for controlled substances. Two others living with Townsend, Charles Douglas
Putman, age 29, his charges include possession with intent to sell & deliver
marijuana and carrying a concealed handgun and Bridgette Nicole Todd, age 25—her
charges include possession of crack cocaine and possession with intent to sell
and deliver marijuana. According to Lt Detective Chris Gillespie of the
Mitchell County Sheriff’s Department, all three remain in jail and have admitted
their involvement in the illicit drug activity.

Crash Sends Two
to Hospitals
A traffic accident on 226-South Saturday
morning sent two people to area hospitals. According to State Trooper Shannon
Woody, a vehicle driven by Joshua Nanney, age 18, of Lowers Browns Creek in
Burnsville was traveling south on 226, north of Duck Branch Road, when he said
he fell asleep and crossed the center line hitting a vehicle driven by Brad
Mitchell Wright, age 19, of Green Mountain. Nanny was flown by WINGS to Johnson
City & Wright was flown by MAMA to Mission in Asheville. Trooper Woody charged
Nanny with driving left of center.

Grand Jury
New murder indictments have
been returned by a Yancey County Grand Jury against David Michael Brown, age 35
of Marion. He’s currently charged with attempted first degree murder in the
brutal beating of Milidene Baker Wilson in her Burnsville business last
November. The new charges include aggravating circumstances which means the
victim’s age was a factor, the crimes were heinous or cruel and a deadly weapon
was used to inflict permanent and debilitating injuries. Brown’s trial has been
continued until October 25th.
And the grand jury has
returned a true bill of indictment against Marketta Allen McIntosh, age 39, of
Burnsville. She’s charged with 2nd degree murder in connection with
the death of Doss Tipton, age 85, in a vehicle wreck on Highway 19E at Riverside
in June. Aggravating circumstances include McIntosh’s actions of reckless
driving while impaired, created a risk of death by vehicle to more than one
person and the victim’s age was also listed as an aggravating circumstance.

McHenry Wins
A recount of the Republican Primary votes
for North Carolina’s 10th Congressional Distrust is complete. And the winner is
Patrick McHenry by 85 votes. David Huffman conceded the race Wednesday
afternoon. The vote results in Mitchell: Huffman, 822 (51%) & McHenry, 782

Getting the
Word Out
Yancey County Health
Department Officials are continuing to alert residents in the Hardscrabble area
of West Yancey about a confirmed case of rabies found in a cat that was killed
last week. Tonda Gosnell, health Educator, says vaccinating your pets is the
number one defense against being exposed to rabies. If your pet does not have a
current rabies vaccine, please contact the Yancey County Health Department for
further instructions, their number is 682-6118. If your pet has been vaccinated,
but was recently in a fight, contact you veterinarian for a rabies booster for
your pet. You should avoid handling or making pets of stray wildlife, especially
if they are behaving strangely or aggressive. If you have been bitten or
scratched by a stray or wild animal, thoroughly wash the wound with soap and
water and then seek medical attention. If treatment is indicated to prevent
rabies, it should be started as-soon-as possible.

Felony Arrests
in Mitchell
Mitchell Deputies have
charged Tony Lee Thompson, age 24, of Crabtree Acres Road, in Spruce Pine with
habitual felon, a charged that means Thompson has had three felony convictions
in the past seven years. The Habitual felon charge came after a Mitchell County
jury returned a true bill of indictment on Thompson in connection with two
counts of felony breaking and entering and larceny in the Estatoe Community back
in January of this year. Deputies discovered Thompson had been living with
relatives in Estatoe during these incidents.
And Mitchell Deputies have
charged Celene Pressley, age 54, of Hillcrest Drive; in Bakersville, with two
counts of felony larceny—she allegedly took jewelry while she was working for
the victim. A report filed by the victim on August 4th stated that
jewelry valued at approximately $100 thousand had been stolen from her
residence. Investigator Shane Vance said that approximately $80 thousand worth
of jewelry was recovered. Vance said Pressley confessed her involvement in the

Confirmed in Yancey
A Case of rabies was has
been confirmed in Yancey County. Last week, a large, white, short-haired cat was
killed in the Hardscrabble area of West Yancey and yesterday was reported
positive for the rabies virus. The cat displayed very aggressive behavior and
attacked one family’s pets while attempting to attack humans as well. The owner
of the cat is unknown, anyone with information about this cat is ask to call the
Yancey County Health Department at 682-6118 between 8:30 & 4:30 or the Sheriff’s
Department at 682-2124. If you were bitten or scratched by a cat fitting this
description, between August 5th and August 15th, please go
immediately to Mission’s or St Joseph’s E.R.
for treatment.
Usually the rabies virus is
transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. The virus does not cause
inflammation, redness, pus or tenderness at the site of the bite, so these
symptoms are not indicators of a viral infection. Rabies can infect all
mammals, including humans, and is almost always fatal once signs of infection
Rabies cannot be cured, but
it can be prevented by making sure all pets are current for the rabies

A New School
A new school year has begun
and the education of our children is a team effort. Robin Buchanan with Mitchell
County Schools says parents should maintain contact with their children’s
teachers throughout the year, so they will know what the children are working
on. Parents should have a specific place for children to do their home work.
Buchanan says it’s also a good idea to make sure children (even in middle & high
school) have finished their home work before going to school the next day. She
says the best way for students to get the education they need is to keep up with
their work and attend school regularly.

Health Care in
Progress continues on the
Yancey County’s Family and Children
Services complex, located behind the Yancey Campus of Mayland Community College.
Commission Chairman John Renfro says the EMS component of the building is almost
complete, construction of the Mission St Joseph’s component is continuing and
construction of the new Yancey County Health Department is scheduled to start in
the near future. A dedication is planned this Friday, August 27, 2004, at 1:00

Marks and National Press
High marks
and national press for a Yancey County School of Excellence. Clearmont
Elementary was recently featured in “Journal-Technological Horizons in
Education.” The article notes Clearmont’s commitment to professional development
for the teachers and staff. As part of the school’s IMPACT Model School
Technology Grant, teachers and staff attend various national conferences. School
Principal Pete Peterson has crated a list of conference requirements that all
teachers must adhere to ensure the knowledge gained at these conferences
benefits the students in the classroom.

Low Runoff
As predicted, very few
voters went to the polls in the primary runoff elections Tuesday. The only
statewide vote was the democratic primary for superintendent of public
instruction. In Yancey County, 4% of the 6,133
registered Democrats voted. June Atkinson received 166 votes, Marshall Stewart
85 votes. In Mitchell County, Atkinson topped Stewart 33-15. June Atkinson won
statewide. Mitchell Republicans cast ballots for US Congress, 10th
District. David Huffman received 813 votes, Patrick McHenry received 769. 14% of
the registered voters in Mitchell went to the polls on Tuesday. District wide,
McHenry won by 100 votes, but Huffman has refused to concede until the votes
have been certified. The General Election is November 2nd, the last
day to resister is October 8th and absentee ballot mail outs will
begin September 13th and one-stop voting at county board of elections
offices will begin October 14th.

Helping Hand
Newdale Volunteer Fire
Department has teamed with “Hearts with Hands of Asheville,” to help Florida
residents as they begin to recover from Hurricane Charley. They need bottled
water, blankets, non-perishable foods, flashlights, batteries and candles. Make
checks payable to: Hearts with Hands, designate check for Hurricane Charley.
Items can be dropped off at the Newdale Volunteer Fire Department, east of
Burnsville, on Highway 19E, from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm through Saturday. For more
information, call 675-4928.

Felony Drug
Arrests in Mitchell
Deputies with the Mitchell
County Sheriff’s Department made two unrelated felony drug arrests this past
Saturday. Tracy Riddle Vaughn, age 37, of Upper Hanging Rock Road, in Spruce
Pine, was charged possessing Methamphetamine, possession with intent to sell &
deliver marijuana, possession of oxycodone & drug paraphernalia. Vaughn was
arrested as a result of search warrant executed at her residence by officers of
the Spruce Pine Police Department and the Mitchell County Sheriff’s Department.
She was released after posting a $4 thousand bond.
And, James Troy Edwards, age
39, on Champ Ray Road, in Micaville, was arrested on various drug charges. An
investigation revealed Edwards was selling illicit drugs as he sat in his truck
in front of businesses, during business hours, in Southern Mitchell County.
Mitchell Drug Investigators observed people approach Edwards and purchase
controlled substances. Investigators with the Spruce Pine Police Department
assisted in the investigation. Edwards was released after posting $7 thousand

for jobs in Yancey
Yancey Commissioners held a
public hearing, last night, on their plans to buy the former OMC building, now
owned by Bombardier, and use the building as part of a recruitment package to
bring an industry to the County. The property, 62.52 acres, the building is
257,800 square feet and the asking price is $1,050.000. Commission Chairman John
Renfro says the county has two companies that are interested in coming to
Yancey; each with a potential to create about 250 jobs. This would mean a $4
million to $5 million payroll boost to the county. He says the cost of the
property could be offset by increased sales taxes, plus property taxes on
equipment the industry would bring. He said commissioners feel the $1 million
investment that over the next 5 years could bring $20 million to $30 million is
a very good return. He said he feels the chances are excellent that the county
will have an industry in the OMC building within 30-60 days, or at least a
commitment from an industry in that length of time.

Forgery Charges
against a Bakersville Woman
A Bakersville woman has
been arrested on a total of 63 felony charges involving check forgery, passing
forged checks and obtaining property by false pretense. Corda N Ledford, age 47,
of Green Creek Road, was released after posting a $50 thousand bond.
Investigators with the Mitchell County Sheriff’s Department, say the charges are
the result of an investigation into activity that occurred earlier this year
while Ledford was employed as a general laborer for the victim.

It’s Primary
“runoff day”
It’s Primary “runoff day.”
Voter turnout is expected to be light as the only race of local interest is in
the Republican Primary in Mitchell County. Voters will
choose either David Huffman or Patrick Mc Henry for U.S. Congress, 10th
District. The campaigning has become a bit nasty as both candidates have been
running heavy radio advertising schedules. Meanwhile, Democrats in both
Mitchell and Yancey will vote for State Superintendent of Instruction, either
June Atkinson or Marshall Stewart. The polls will close at 7:30 pm tonight.
Schools in Mitchell County are open. Schools in Yancey County are

Tonight on Yancey’s Plans to Buy OMC Property
A public hearing will be
held this evening at 6 o’clock in the Yancey County
Courthouse for the purpose of receiving public comment on plans by Yancey
Commissioners to buy the former OMC Property and then use the property as an
incentive to bring an industry to the site. Commissioners have approved a
resolution that authorizes the County to apply to the Local Government
Commission for permission to borrow $1,050,000 to buy the property from
Bombardier, the current owner. Yancey County citizens are urged
to attend the meeting this evening, at 6, in the Yancey County Courthouse.

Filming at Crafts Fair
Burnsville Police have
charged a Banner Elk man with videotaping a female for the purpose of viewing
her body and undergarments without her consent. Eric A. Nater, 59, of Chestnut
Mountain Road, in Banner Elk, was the focus of an investigating by the
Burnsville Police Department that began on Saturday August 7th, at
the Mt Mitchell Crafts Fair. According to a news release, a witness called 911
saying he had seen the accused using a video camera to film young girls in an
inapproiate manner. Nater was located by police; he voluntarily gave officers
the video tape and was escorted from the fair. Burnsville Detective Randall
Shuford secured arrests warrants August 11th. With the assistance of
Yancey & Watauga Sheriff’s Deputies, Shuford executed a search for similar
materials at Nater’s home. Nater was arrested August 12th and placed in the
Yancey County Jail.

It’s Primary
“runoff day” tomorrow
It’s Primary “runoff day”
tomorrow. Voter turnout is expected to be light as the only race of local
interest is in the Republican Primary in Mitchell County. Voters will choose
either David Huffman or Patrick Mc Henry for U.S. Congress, 10th
District. Democrats in both Mitchell and Yancey will vote for State
Superintendent of Instruction, either June Atkinson or Marshall Stewart. The
polls will open at 6:30 am and close at 7:30 pm. Schools in Mitchell County will be open
tomorrow, schools in Yancey County are closed

With Manufacturing Marijuana
A Yancey County woman has been charged
with manufacturing marijuana. Martha L. Council, 46, of New Ground Road, was
taken into custody after Deputies discovered 11 marijuana plants growing in a
rear section of her residence. According to information supplied by the
Sheriff’s Department, Deputies discovered the plants when the arrived at her
Prices Creek Residence to interview her about an unrelated matter. Council was
charged and released after posting a $3 thousand secured bond. She is scheduled
to appear in Yancey District Court today!!

Yancey County End of Year Test
Each year, North
Carolina Public Schools are required to take tests at the end of
each school year to determine if students are making adequate
progress. Results of Yancey County Schools testing for 2003-2004 are
as follows:
Schools of
(schools must meet either high or expected growth, 90% or greater of
students tested must be at or above grade level)
Cane River Middle
(Composite Scores: ranks 4th among 37 WNC Middle Schools)
East Yancey Middle
(Composite Scores: ranks 5th among 37 WNC Middle Schools)
Bee Log Elementary
(Composite Scores: ranks 13th among WNC Schools. Named one of the 25
most improved schools in
North Carolina)
Elementary (Composite Scores: ranks 3rd among 117 WNC
Elementary Schools)
Elementary (Composite Scores: ranks 55th among 117 WNC
Elementary Schools)
South Toe
Elementary (Composite Scores: ranks 51st among 117 WNC
Elementary Schools)
Schools of
(Schools must meet high or expected growth and 89% or greater of
students tested must be at or above grade level)
High School
(Composite Scores: ranks 19th among 34 WNC High Schools)
Bald Creek
Elementary (Composite Scores: ranks 100 among 117 WNC Elementary
Elementary (Composite Scores: ranks 96th among 117 WNC
Elementary Schools)
Dr Ivan Randolph,
Superintendent of the Yancey County School System said all schools
in Yancey County met or
exceeded the goals of the state’s “ABC Program.” Yancey Schools met
or exceeded the federal Government’s “No Child Left Behind” program
by meeting adequate yearly progress.

Mitchell County End of Year Test
Each year, North
Carolina Public Schools are required to take tests at the end of
each school year to determine if students are making adequate
progress. Results of Mitchell County Schools testing for 2003-2004
are as follows:
of Excellence:
(schools must meet either high or expected growth, 90% or greater of
students tested must be at or above grade level)
Gouge Elementary
(over 90% of students tested at grade level. Gouge is also one the
top 25 most improved schools in NC)
Tipton Hill
Elementary (98.8% of students tested at grade level)
Schools of
(Schools must meet high or expected growth and 89% or greater of
students tested must be at or above grade level)
Bowman Middle
(almost 90% of students tested at grade level)
Harris Middle
(87.4% of students tested at grade level)
Buladean Elementary
(88.8% of students tested at grade level)
Schools of Progress:
High School
(68.9% of students tested at grade level)
Deyton Primary was
not recognized (89.4% of students tested at grade level)
Greenlee Primary is
a feeder school and is not eligible for recognition.
Robin Buchanan,
associate Superintendent of the Mitchell County School System said
she is extremely proud of how students performed on end of year
testing. All schools, but one, made their adequate yearly progress
goal under the federal government’s “no child left behind,” program.
And, all but one school in the system made at least expected growth.
Buchanan said the system has come a long way since these guidelines
started in 1996 and she thanked everyone (parents, students and
teachers) for their hard work.

Infrastructure Master Plan
An infrastructure master
plan to meet the needs of the residents of Mitchell County is just about
complete. Spruce Pine Town Manager Richard Canipe says a 21st Century grant
allowed Bakersville, & Spruce Pine to work together with Mitchell County to
determine the best way the two towns could extend their water and sewer services
to best serve the community.

Yancey Plans to
Buy OMC Property
Yancey County is making
plans to buy the former OMC Property and then use the property as an incentive
to bring an industry to the site. Commissioners have approved a resolution that
authorizes the County to apply to the Local Government Commission for permission
to borrow $1,050,000 to buy the property from Bombardier, the current owner.
There will be a hearing to receive public comment Monday, at 6pm in the Yancey
County Courthouse.

Double Island
Man Charged
Yancey Deputies have charged
a Double Island man with breaking into homes. Kevin Russell Hoilman, 28, of Wes
Hoilman Road, has been charged with 2 counts of felony breaking & entering and 2
counts of felony possession of stolen property. According to information
supplied by the Yancey Sheriff’s Department, Hoilman entered a residence on Cow
Branch Road and removed firearms and he entered a residence in Micaville and
stole a pistol. After his arrest, Hoilman admitted he had committed the
offenses. He was released after posting bond. He is scheduled to appear in court

Methamphetamine Labs Discovered
A Buncombe County man has
been arrested by Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers and Yancey County
Sheriff Deputies on charges of operating a motor vehicle with a mobile
Methamphetamine Lab inside. Donald Ray Cogdill, 39, of Leicester, was stopped on federal property near the Black Mountain Campground in
the South Toe Community, of Yancey County. He was stopped after
officers confirmed the license tag on his vehicle was fictitious. South Toe Fire
Department Personnel, Yancey County Emergency Management Personnel & the SBI
Hazardous Materials team were called in to dismantle the lab. According to
Yancey Lt Tom Farmer, Cogdill admitted he had been staying in the Black
Mountain/Neil’s Creek area for several weeks. Authorities also found two Meth
Labs at separate campsites where he had been staying. Those labs were destroyed
as well. Cogdill was taken to Buncombe County where he was wanted for operating
a mobile Meth Lab. Farmer said there have been 4 Methamphetamine Labs discovered
in Yancey County so far this year.

The Yancey Project Library
is inching closer to meeting a challenge: Martha Tyner told the Burnsville
Council last week, they are within about $80 thousand of reaching a goal of
raising of $900 thousand to get a $300 thousand match from the Janirve
Foundation.. The new Yancey County Library will be in the old Burnsville School
Building, beside the Parkway Playhouse & Kid Mountain, in Burnsville.

One Dead in Madison County
Tennessee man, Randy Douglas Shelton, age 28, of Johnson City, was killed this
morning when the vehicle he was driving left the road, struck a road sign,
overturned and came to rest on its top. Two passengers were ejected; their names
or injuries were not released. State Trooper Roger Kent said the accident
happened around 5:30 am, on U.S. 23 at Jenkins Nursery, about 8 miles from Mars
hill. Kent said Shelton was not wearing a seat belt, and alcohol and speed
contributed to the wreck.

Names New Tax Assessor
Mitchell commissioners have
appointed Darlene Gardner as the County’s Tax Assessor. County Manager Ryan Whitson says
Gardner has served as the interim assessor for the past 5 months; she has worked
for the county for some 25 years. The appointment is for a 2 year term.

Work Pays
Mitchell County Sheriff’s Department has received a U.S. Treasury check for
$69,902.11. The amount represents Mitchell’s portion of federal equitable
sharing proceeds from federally forfeited property in the case of a pharmacist
and four medical doctors in Texas. The case known as “The Pill Box Pharmacy
Case,” involved the dispensing of controlled substances. The check was presented
to Sheriff Ken Fox at a ceremony this morning. Fox said he hopes to use the
funds to buy 2 patrol cars and other non-budgeted items