Yancey Crafted Tile
As we reported earlier this week, the Yancey County
Cultural Resource Commission has received a $29,500 grant to provide
supplies and equipment required to train at least 6 people the basic
skills of making clay tiles for the CRC’S proposed Company “Yancey Crafted
Tile:” Jim Priesmeyer, managing director of the Yancey County Cultural
Resource Commission says Introductory training classes for “Yancey Crafted
Tile,” will begin November 8th at Mayland Community College,
Yancey Campus. Pre register by calling 828-765-7351, ext 249 or ext 227 if
you have questions.

Plane Crash
Investigators will be
back on the scene today of
a plane crash in South
Buncombe County that killed all four passengers Wednesday morning. The
twin-engine plane, headed for Greensboro, went down off Glenn Bridge Road
shortly after taking off from the Asheville Regional Airport.

More Than $14 Million for Frances/More than
$10 million for Ivan
More than $14 million in assistance has been
distributed to North Carolina victims of Hurricane Frances. And, more than
$10 million has been distributed for victims of Ivan. As of Sunday,
residents of Avery had filed 374 applications for assistance for Frances,
705 for Ivan, Madison 31 for Frances, 153 for Ivan, McDowell 200 for
Frances, 100 for Ivan, Mitchell 94 for Frances, 266 for Ivan and Yancey
County 136 for Frances and 318 for Ivan. Residents in disaster-declared
counties have until Tuesday, November 9th, to apply for
assistance because of damage from Frances and until November 17th
because of damage from Ivan. Call toll free: 1-800-621-3362.

McDowell Wreck Kills One, Injuries Another
A Lenoir man was killed and another person was
injured Tuesday morning in McDowell County. According to the Highway
Patrol, the vehicle driven by Clyde Thomas Bentley, age 58, ran off I-40
near mile marker 87, striking the bank and overturning. Bentley was thrown
from the vehicle. A passenger, not identified, was taken to McDowell
Hospital. Troopers say Bentley’s vehicle was traveling at a high rate of
speed and he was not wearing a seat belt. The incident is still under

McDowell Suspect Captured in Virginia
A McDowell County man,
wanted in connection with a shooting
last Sunday has been captured. Marion Police says Quinn Cardell Thomas,
Heather Elizabeth Hensley and Tabitha Jane Gilliand were captured
overnight at a roadside motel in Chester Virginia. The arrests were the
result of an exhaustive investigation by local law enforcement agencies
and many tips from the public. Officers say Thomas, age 38, and another
person entered a home on Morehead Road around 11:00 Sunday night.
Reportedly Thomas assaulted one person in the house and then opened fire,
hitting another in the arm. He was arrested just last week for assaulting
a female. Thomas served time earlier this year for assaulting a Marion
police officer.

Yancey E-911 Testing to Continue
Testing of Yancey County’s Enhanced 911 System has
revealed Software comp ability issues. The system will require further
testing and will remain off line. Yancey County residents who have not
called to verify their addressees are encouraged to call “611,” between
8:00 am and 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday, until further notice.

Yancey CRC Gets Grant
The Yancey County Cultural Resource Commission has
announced the kickoff of the Revitalize Yancey Project. Under a mandate
from Yancey Commissioners, the CRC has spent the last 10 months exploring
economic development funding opportunities that will build on the existing
arts & crafts industry in Yancey County and the surrounding area. CRC
Managing Director, Jim Priesmeyer says the CRC has received a $29,500
Community Entrepreneurial Demonstration Grant for the NC Rural Center. The
funds will provide supplies and equipment to train at least 6 people the
basic skills in a wide range of clay tile making techniques. Mayland
Community College will offer the class for “Yancey Crafted Tile,”
beginning November 8th. Pre register by calling 828-765-7351,
ext 248 or ext 227 if you have questions.

Absentee Ballot in Question in
A suspicious absentee ballot in
Madison County
is expected to be
turned over to the FBI as part of a probe that will determine whether a
voter was trying to cast ballots in two different states. Local Democrats
say they want to make sure no other votes are in question. The person at
the center of the controversy is a member of the Madison County Republican

Marion Police Searching
for Shooting Suspect
Police in Marion are warning residents to be on the
lookout for a suspect they consider armed and dangerous.
Officers say 38-year-old Quinn Thomas
and another person entered a home on Morehead Road around 11:00 Sunday
night. They say Thomas assaulted one person in the house and then opened
fire, hitting another in the arm. Thomas was arrested just last week for
assaulting a female. He also served time earlier this year for assaulting
a Marion police officer.

Mitchell Court Rulings
Rulings from Mitchell Superior Court; Richard James
McAlister, age 18, of White Oak Road, in Bakersville, plead guilty to
larceny from a person and breaking and entering. He received an active
sentence of 6-8 months in the Department of Corrections. Shirley Thompson,
also known as Elaine Alexander, age 40, of Charlotte, plead guilty to 9
counts of obtaining property by false pretenses. She was sentenced to 5
years probation & ordered to pay $2,189 in restitution, plus court costs
and attorney fees. David Shane Stafford, age 31, of Stafford Road, plead
guilty to forgery & uttering & obtaining property by false pretenses. He
received a suspended sentence of 16-20 months and supervised probation for
3 years. Daphne Burleson, age 34, of Huskins Way, in Spruce Pine, plead
guilty to felony probation violation for possession of a schedule 4 drug,
probation violation for DWI and 2nd degree trespass. She
received an active sentence to run concurrent of 6-8 month, 1 year and 20

Yancey E-911 Testing
Yancey County begins testing of the new Enhanced 911
system today. Yancey residents with last names “A through M,” are being
asked to call “611,” between 10:00 am & Midnight and on Tomorrow, Tuesday,
Yancey residents with last names “N through Z,” are being asked to call
“611” from 8:30 am till Midnight. If all goes as expected, the E-911
system will go on line Wednesday, October 27th, at 10:00 am.

Flu Shots at Yancey Health Department
Yancey County Health
Department has received a limited supply of flu vaccine to provide to high
risk members of the community. There will be a flu shot clinic on this
morning October 25th at
8am. Shots will be given on a first come, first served basis
until the vaccine is gone. Again the vaccine is only for high risk
people, however, it is still likely that there will not be enough vaccine
for everyone who qualifies and they ask for understanding.

Mitchell Considers EMS
Commissioners talked about EMS contract proposals at their meeting Monday.
County Manager Ryan Whitson says the current contract with Mission
Hospital ends in June, 2005. Mission has proposed a new 4 year, $1.9
million contract. Commissioners have discussed a "county owned & operated"
EMS operation, but that may be to expensive. Commissioners
Hollifield and Burleson said they had talked with county fire chiefs and
got the impression they didn’t think it was a good idea. Whitson said
Commissioners are hopeful representatives from Mission and two other
potential service providers will be at their November 1st meeting.

Yancey Begins E-911 Testing
Yancey County begins testing of the new Enhanced 911
system next week. Monday, Yancey residents with last names “A through M,”
are being asked to call “611,” between 10:00 am & Midnight and on Tuesday,
Yancey residents with last names “N through Z,” are being asked to call
“611” from 8:30 am till Midnight. If all goes as expected, the E-911
system will go on line Wednesday, October 27th, at 10:00 am.

Faulty Alarm Systems
Some residents & many businesses have automated alarm
call-in systems that notify Mitchell communications when an emergency
occurs. Most of the time, there is an emergency, but there are a growing
number of false alarms caused by faulty systems. Mitchell Commissions,
responding to this problem have amended an ordinance to deal with this
problem. Lloyd Hise, Attorney for Mitchell County, said those
residents/businesses having these systems connected to emergency
communications must pay a $25 application fee. The ordinance allows for 2
false alarms, a notice is then sent to correct the system. If there is
another call, and it’s a false alarm, a fine is assessed up to $15 hundred
per incident, depending on the number of agencies that respond. Hise said
it cost to send fire trucks, ambulances and police to respond to these
false alarms from defective systems, this is a way of recouping some of
the expense of responding to these false alarms.

Burnsville Man Charged
Mitchell County Deputies have charged a Burnsville
man, Carlos Alvarez Rincon, age 25, of Pine Swamp Road, with assault on a
female & felony restraint in connection with a child abduction incident.
Deputies responded to a 911 call from a pay phone at Samir’s Texaco on
highway 19E in the Estatoe community. A female reported that her boyfriend
had abducted her 2 year old child. Deputies arrived on the scene & deputy
Josh Sparks observed a vehicle matching the description near the Texaco &
took the child into safety & secured the accused. According to Deputies,
the woman & Rincon had argued at his residence in Burnsville and she was
on her way to her home in Spruce Pine, when she stopped at the convenience
store. Rincon admitted he had taken the child in hopes of making his
girlfriend communicate with him.

No Flu Vaccine in Mitchell
The Mitchell County Health Department is temporality
closed to the public until further notice due to no water. They also
report they do not have Flu Shots or FluMist at this time,
and they do not know if they will receive any more. The public is
requested to NOT CALL the health department. If flu vaccine is received a
notice will be aired on WKYK/WTOE. The Centers for Disease Control and the
State Health Department have ask healthy people to forgo a flu shot this
year so the available vaccine can be given to the very youngest, eldest
and sickest people who are at greatest risk for complications from
influenza disease. All flu vaccine providers have been instructed to use
their limited supply of flu shots per these CDC guidelines.

Request for Additional Funding
Mitchell County
Commissioners heard a request for additional funding from the Mitchell
Board of Education Monday. Commissioners said no to a request for $80
thousand for the NC WISE technology project, a wed-based centrally
maintained system for capturing, accessing and reporting student
information. Commissioner Ken Hollifield ask why this request wasn’t
brought up at budget time and he said the county is hurting for money. The
second request was for $126 thousand for handicapped ramps at Mitchell
High & Harris Middle School. Rick Spurling, an Assistant Superintendent
with the Mitchell School System. Commissioners said they need more
information about the Board of Education’s budgets before making a
decision on this request. They ask Manager Ryan Whitson & Finance director
Mavis Parsley to report back the board at their November 1st meeting.

Be careful when casting your vote!!!
The general election ballot has three sections, first
is President, and second is straight party voting, third is non-partisan.
To make sure your vote counts: vote for president, then vote straight
party--or for individual offices which includes state and federal
offices and then vote non partisan, which includes judges, board of
education, soil & water and amendments.

One Stop Begins
One Stop Voting begins today and
will run through October 30th. You can vote at the County Board of
Elections office. You can request a “one-stop absentee ballot.” You do not
need an excuse for voting early. Where to vote:
Avery: 273 Park Street, in Newland (8-4:30
m-f) (8-1 10/30)
Mitchell: Courthouse (9-5, m-f) (9-1,
Yancey: Courthouse (8:30-5, m-f) (8:30-1,
sat 10/30)

Yancey’s E-911 Is Ready to Go on Line
A lot of hard work has gone into getting Yancey
County’s E-911 System ready to go on line, that day is near. Yancey
Commission Chairman, John Renfro says the project, which started back in
2000, will be tested on Tuesday, October 26th & will go live on
Wednesday, October 27th at about 10:00 am. Renfro said the
County thanked E911 staff members Bill Thomas and Mark Thomas as-well-as
members of local fire Departments, EMS, members of the E911 advisory board
and many others who worked on this project. He said this is a big step in
ensuring health and safety for Yancey County residents.

We’re Open for Business,
Come to the Mountains
County is focused on getting tourists to return to the area for the leaf
season. Responding to business concerns that the traffic construction &
delays on 226 is just as-bad for business as the recent floods EDC
Officials have convinced NC DOT to suspend construction until the after
the leaf season. There will be some movement of equipment over the next
several days, but hopefully the problem of stopping traffic will end. It’s
estimated the leaf season produces about 60% of businesses total revenue
for the year. Mitchell Commissioners have also approved monies in an
effort to attract visitors. New maps are being produced for the leaf
lookers trail. Ads will appear in newspapers in Raleigh, Charlotte,
Greenville and Spartanburg this weekend, in effect saying we are open for
business and come to the mountains

Squirrel Knocks Out Power
French Broad Electric reported a power outage this
morning at about 9 o’clock. They say a squirrel got into the Burnsville
sub-station on Robertson Street. Power was off in sections of east
Burnsville for about an hour.

Dog Bites Lady
The Yancey County Health Department needs your
assistance in finding a small, brown & white dog that bit a lady, Tuesday,
October 12th, between 6:00 pm & 6:15 pm, in front of the Health Department. If you any
information about the dog or its owner, call the Yancey County
Health Department at 682-3003.

Hillbilly Festival—a Hit
Spruce Pine’s Hillbilly Festival drew a big crowd.
Kay Goins with Spruce Pine’s Main Street said the festival was a huge
success. She said they had many first time festival goers. Many merchants
said it was their biggest Saturdays in a long time. Goins thanked everyone
who came and enjoyed the day.

You’ve Won the Lottery—It’s a Scam
Burnsville Police are warning residents of a scam.
It’s a letter sent to residents stating they have won money. There is a
form asking for banking information, date of birth & other information.
This is a scam & residents are ask to call Detective Randall Shuford
at the Burnsville Police Department at 682-4683.

on Sinkholes in Spruce Pine
Flooding from Frances & Ivan left several sinkholes
in Spruce Pine. Contractors, on Monday, started working on one of them in
front of Wellborn’s on Lower Street. This project is expected to take
about 5 days. Other sinkholes are at the intersection of Crystal & Locust
Streets and in the vicinity of Shepherds Staff & old Carolina Theatre.
Richard Canipe, Spruce Pine Town manager, says all stores are accessible &
all stores are open. Lower Street will not be completely closed at any one
time. He says the Wellborns project is estimated at about $55 thousand.
Canipe says the town is hoping FEMA will pay for the repairs.

Truck Wreck
A tractor trailer carrying acetone ran off the road and crashed
into a tree Monday , near the Parker Padgett
Road exit, on I-40, in McDowell County. The driver was trapped in the cab
for awhile and flown to Mission
Hospital in Asheville. Troopers have not released his name, but say his
injuries were not believed to be life threatening. The crash tied up
traffic for several hours as troopers closed all lanes. Some of the
truck's load of acetone spilled. The Asheville haz-mat team contained the
spill. The rest of the acetone was transferred to another truck. All lanes
were open at about 8:00 pm last night.

Commissioners Meet Tonight
Yancey Commissioners meet in regular session tonight
at 7 0’clock, The monthly meeting is in the commissioners meeting room, on
the second floor of the Yancey County Courthouse.

Flu Shot
The Toe River Health District is encouraging healthy
citizens to forgo their flu shot this season because the amount of flu
vaccine available to the public has been cut in half. The shortage of flu
vaccine is due to a manufacturing problem from a major supplier of our
nation’s flu vaccine. Officials with Toe River Health District say the
limited supply of the vaccine needs to reach those people who have the
highest risk of getting health complications from the flu. According to
Chris Day, Spruce Pine Community Hospital’s pharmacist, the hospital
received only half of their original vaccine order. The hospital has made
the decision to distribute a large portion of their flu vaccine to
physicians in their coverage area. At the onset of flu-like symptoms,
consult your health care provider. Anti-flu medication may lesson your
symptoms if taken early. The NC Division of Public Health has set up a
hotline for questions about the vaccine. The toll free number is:

Reopened Parkway Section
Leaves Only 19 miles Closed
The rockslide
that blocked the Blue Ridge Parkway south of
Mt. Pisgah
has been removed and the 114-mile southern section of the Parkway from Mt.
Mitchell State Park to Cherokee, NC, is now open. All parkway
campgrounds, picnic areas, visitor centers and concessionaire-operated
facilities are open. Parkway Superintendent Daniel W. Brown said the
Parkway has worked closely with the Federal Highway Administration to
clear and repair damaged sections of the 469-mile scenic road. Only 19
miles now remain closed, an 8 mile stretch south of US 221 near Linville
Falls (milepost 317-325), and 11 miles between NC Highway 80 and Mt.
Mitchell State Park (mile 344-355). Most of these damaged sections, which
involve loss of the road supporting
will be repaired over winter and spring, weather permitting. The Blue
Ridge Parkway, in cooperation with the Mitchell County Chamber of
Commerce, has opened a small information center on US 221 at its
Intersection with the Parkway. Detour information will be available at this center
9 a.m. to
5 p.m. daily.

Dodge the
For the past 3-4 weeks, travelers of West Main
Street, in Burnsville have been playing “dodge the man-hole.” Burnsville
Mayor David Grindstaff says DOT paving contractors will be fixing recessed
man-holes & getting them back to the proper levels. This process should
take a few days to complete.

Buladean Man Arrested on Felony Drug
Mitchell Drug investigators have charged Jack Edward
Blackledge Jr., age 47, of Buladean, with felony possession & with intent
to sell Methamphetamine. The charges stem from incidents occurring earlier
this year at Blackledge’s residence. He admitted his involvement with
illicit drug activity. Blackledge was released on a $10 thousand bond.
Lieutenant Chris Gillespie was the charging officer.

Ivan Damage at Burnsville Town Hall
Burnsville’s Town Hall was hit by Ivan: Burnsville
Mayor David Grindstaff says wind damage to the tiles on the roof has
resulted in water damage to the walls and insulation in the offices and
the board meeting room. Estimates have been put at about $28 thousand. He
said what their insurance won’t cover; FEMA has said they will cover the
difference. FEMA will also assist with minor damage to intakes at Bolens
Creek and areas of the pumping station at Cane River.

Third Case of Rabies
Another case of rabies has been confirmed in West
Yancey. According to Tonda Gosnell, Health Educator with the Yancey Health
Department the rabies was found in a raccoon & more outbreaks in wild
animals can be expected. She said the best way to protect your family and
pets is through vaccination, prevention is the key. She said luckily no
people have been exposed to the rabies.

with EMS Ambulance Service
Rising cost of emergency Services has Mitchell
commissioners looking at running their own ambulance service. A new 4 year
EMS contract with Mission Hospital would run close to $2 million. Before
making any decisions, commissioners want to discuss the possibility with
the county’s fire chiefs. Commissioner Ken Hollifield said the county may
have to agree to the contract, but he wants to consider all options first.

Mobile Disaster
Recovery Center to Open In Bakersville
FEMA and the North Carolina Department of Crime Control
and Public Safety’s Division of Emergency Management will open a mobile
Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Mitchell County beginning Friday,
October 8.
The mobile DRC will be available Friday, Saturday and
Monday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to assist residents and business owners
affected by Tropical Storm Frances or Hurricane Ivan.
The DRC is closed Sunday,
October 10.
Parked behind Mitchell County Administration Bldg.
47 Crimson Laurel Circle
Bakersville, N.C. 28705
Available: Friday, October 8; Saturday, October
9, Closed Sunday; Open again Monday, October 11
Hours: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Anyone affected by these storms should apply for
disaster assistance by calling the toll-free number
1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Registrars are taking applications 24 hours
a day until further notice. Persons who are hearing/speech-impaired should
call the TTY number, 1-800-462-7585. If the
wait is long, please remember that others are affected by on-going
disasters around the country and are also calling to register for
assistance. Don’t get discouraged. Non-peak
calling times are currently between midnight to 4:30 a.m.
Once registered, individuals visiting a DRC can get
information on the status of their application; details on the types of
state and federal disaster assistance available; help with completing U.S.
Small Business Administration (SBA) loan applications for homeowners,
renters, and businesses of any size for losses not fully compensated by
insurance; types of assistance available through voluntary agencies; and
rebuilding tips on how to minimize future storm damage.

Penland Gets Grant
The Penland School has received a grant from the
state of North Carolina to support their capital improvements projects
that’s currently underway. School Director Jean McLaughlin says Penland is
celebrating their 75th anniversary this year; they have between
12 & 13 hundred students per year and 14 thousand visitors per year.
Penland puts $6 to $8 million into Mitchell/Yancey Economy each year.

Fire Safety
Thousands of lives are lost each year
in house fires, but cutting down that number may be as simple as running a
test. This is National Fire
Prevention Week. This year's theme is "test your smoke alarms." Check
your alarms monthly and change the batteries twice a year. A good time is
when you set your clocks ahead and back. Also, make sure your family has a
plan to get out when they hear the alarm sound. The Independent Insurance
Agents of NC urges families with young children to join
Operation EDITH,
which stands for "exit drills in the
Tonight, at 6:00 pm, plan
to practice an exit drill in the home--it could save you child's life.

Second Person Dies after Wreck
A Green Mountain woman, injured when a logging truck
struck the vehicle she was a passenger in on Monday, September 27th,
killing her daughter, has died. Cordelia Riddle, age 84, passed away
Sunday at Johnson City Medical Center. Her daughter, Lily Kay Bradford
died at the scene of the wreck at the intersection of 19E and Georges Fork
Road, in East Yancey. According to the Highway Patrol, all charges against
the driver of the logging truck, Jerry Ayers, age 67, of Green Mountain
are still pending, and will be determined by the District Attorney.
Funeral services for Mrs Riddle will be at 7:00 pm, tonight, at Double
Island Baptist Church.

Mitchell Felony Drug Arrests
Mitchell Deputies have charged Bobby
Lee Byrd, age 23, of Spruce Pine, with felony possession & possession with
intent to sell & deliver a Schedule 4 controlled substance. The charges
are the result of an investigation that begun Mitchell Deputy Joey Ledford
stopped to check a suspicious vehicle that was parked at a closed business
in the western part of the county. Byrd confessed to Mitchell County drug
investigators that he had purchased the narcotics and admitted his
involvement into illicit drug activity. Byrd is being held on an $85
hundred bond. The charging office was Lieutenant Chris Gillespie. Yancey
County Deputy Ryan Higgins assisted with the arrest.

Former Yancey Resident Linked to Two
McDowell Armed Robberies
On Wednesday, September 22nd, McDowell
Sheriff’s Deputies notified Yancey Deputies of an armed robbery at P.G.
General Store, off U.S. 70-W, in Marion. In the incident a white male
entered the store with a shotgun and locked the store clerk in a bathroom
and left with an undisclosed amount of cash. On Sunday, September 26th,
McDowell Deputies notified Yancey Deputies of another armed robbery at
Samirs Amoco, off U.S. 221N near Baxter’s Healthcare. On this occasion, a
white male entered the store with a shotgun, robbed the clerk of an
undisclosed amount of money & left the scene in a teal green Hyundai car.
On Tuesday morning, September 28th, Yancey Deputies received a
phone call from a woman in Swain County. She said she was concerned about
her father-in-law Thomas Duane Dulaney. She said he was last seen in
Burnsville, on September 22nd, visiting with family at Woodland
Apts. His description & the description of the suspect in the McDowell
robberies appeared to be a match. It was just after 6:00 pm that evening,
when Burnsville Police Officer R.J. Whitehead spotted Dulaney at a
residence off Woodland Drive. He was taken to McDowell County where a
search of his vehicle, turned up a shotgun suspected as the weapon used in
the robberies. He was charged with 2 counts of armed robbery, 2 counts of
second degree kidnapping and one count of possessing a weapon of mass
destruction. He remains in jail under a $190 thousand secured bond.
According to the Yancey Sheriff’s Department, Dulaney once lived in Yancey
on Hemlock Drive, in Newdale, before moving to McDowell County in March

Mitchell Deputies Charge Burnsville Man
Mitchell Deputies have charged a Burnsville man on
felony drug charges. Phillip Shane Cooper, age 18, of West Burnsville
Church Road, is charged with possession with intent to sell & deliver
prescription pills. According to Deputy Frank Catalano, he was assisting
state trooper Sheldon Vaughn with a traffic stop in the Spruce Pine area,
when he noticed a pill bottle in Cooper’s vehicle that contained over 100
pills and tablets. Cooper admitted to drug investigators that he had taken
the medication from a family member in Burnsville and he had been selling
the pills to friends in the Burnsville area. Cooper was charged and
released on a $2 thousand bond. Lieutenant Chris Gillespie was the
charging officer.

Body Found
year old Kent Welch is expected to be charged with murder today after the
body of 16 year Josh Wyatt was found in a shallow grave in the yard of his
McDowell County home. Authorities say Wyatt, who disappeared more than 2
weeks ago, lived down the street from Welch. Police say they questioned
Welch early on in their missing person’s investigation, but they didn't
have enough to go on. Then Thursday night after they arrested Welch riding
a stolen bike, that gave them enough to search his property. They quickly
discovered the fresh mound of dirt concealing Wyatt's body. An autopsy
shows the boy was shot to death. Welch is being held on unrelated
misdemeanor charges, but investigators say he'll be charged with murder on

Avery Man Shot by Deputy
On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at
9:53 pm, Deputies from the Avery County Sheriff’s Department responded to
a call of a domestic situation at Bald View Lane, off Squirrel Creek. When
they arrived, they encountered a man with a rifle. The man then acted in a
threatening manner and was shot by Sgt Eddie Hughes. The man, identified
as Darrell Wayne Buchanan, age 44, of Newland was taken by Avery EMS to
Newland & then flown to Holston Valley Hospital, in Sullivan County
Tennessee. He’s being treated for a single gunshot wound to the upper left
leg. As per policy, Sgt Hughes has been placed on administrative leave
with pay. Avery Sheriff Ed Gwyn has requested the SBI to investigate the
incident. Buchanan has been charged with assault on a female and assault
on a government employee with a deadly weapon. Sheriff Gwyn said more
charges are pending in this case.

Spruce Pine Gets Its Share
Spruce Pine recently
agreed to apply for a “building rehabilitation and reuse grant,” from the
NC Rural Economic Center on behalf of Mayland Community College and
Mitchell County’s Economic Development Commission. Town Manager Richard
Canipe says they received $300 thousand to bring the “Lexington Building”,
on Henredon Plant Road, up to standards in hopes of attracting a business
or industry to the facility.