New Child Passenger Safety Law
If you have a child who just turned five and you've tossed
their car safety seat, get ready to buy a new one. State law changes
January 1st, requiring kids to use booster seats for three years longer.
The current law allows parents get rid of child safety seats at age five
or when children weigh more than 40 pounds. In the New Year however, kids
will have to use safety or booster seats until they turn eight, or weigh
80 pounds. The new law is designed to protect kids who are older, but
still too short to properly wear belts. If you break the new law, it'll
cost you; a $125 fine and two points on your license.

Disaster Assistance for Tri-County Bridges
If you live in Avery, Mitchell or Yancey Counties and you have had bridge
damage from recent floods and you need assistance from the State of North
Carolina, you are encouraged to come to a tri-county “Disaster Assistance
Center” at the Estatoe Fire Department, on Highway 19E, this Wednesday &
Thursday (12/01 & 12/02) from 1 pm to 8 pm. Again, this is about bridge
damage only!

Public Hearing on Industry Prospect for Yancey
A public hearing has been set for tomorrow, at 7 pm, in the
courtroom of the Yancey County Courthouse, to receive comment on proposed
appropriations and expenditures for economic development. According to the
public hearing notice, the county is ready to enter into a 7 year lease
agreement with a metalworking business to locate at the former OMC
building which is owned by the county. The rent payment will be $1 per
year. The agreement may also provide a bargain sale of the building to the
company at the end of the lease agreement. In return, the company will
agree to create a certain level of employment, currently estimated at 300
plus jobs. The proposed appropriations and expenditures to be made by the
county include site improvements which will cost about $200 thousand. The
County expects grant funds to cover these costs. Tomorrow’s hearing will
be held at 7 pm in the Commissioners Board Room, in the Yancey County
Courthouse. The Commissioners are expected to take action concerning the
proposed agreement and the related transactions immediately following the

Airport Evacuation
The Asheville Regional Airport was closed for a short time
on Friday after an x-ray screener found a suspicious device in a
passenger's briefcase. That man was detained while travelers were asked to
leave the terminal around 10:30 Friday morning. The runway was closed and
no flights were allowed to arrive or depart. An explosives device team
from the Asheville Police Department and the F.B.I were called to the
scene. Experts examined the man's briefcase for over two hours to ensure
none of the items in it were dangerous. The airport was reopened around
12:45. What was in inside the briefcase; some computer equipment and other
items, but nothing that was dangerous.

Health Care in Yancey gets boost
Yancey County’s Family and Children Services complex, located behind the
Yancey Campus of Mayland Community College, got a financial boost
Wednesday when 11th District Congressman Charles Taylor presented a check
to the county for $1 million. Taylor said it’s essential to have a
hospital presence in smaller counties. He said the proposed Yancey Health
Complex and its association with Mission Hospital is a good partnership
for healthcare for area citizens. When completed, the primary care
facility will offer pediatrics, family medicine, plus mental health and
social services all in one location. Congressman Taylor also presented
Yancey Schools with a check for $50 thousand to support their student
vocational program at Heritage High School, that will partnership with
Mayland Community College and Habitat For Humanity to provide housing and
establish a path for potential jobs and business start-ups in the
construction industry.

Methamphetamine Labs Are on the Rise
Until 2000, the SBI busted fewer than 10 Methamphetamine labs per year. In
2001 and 2002 that number began to increase and the SBI expects 300 Meth
labs to be busted by the end of this year. So far, in 2004, Yancey County
authorities have busted 9 Meth Labs, four of them since October 28th. The
discovery of a container of chemicals used in a Meth Lab at the
Mitchell-Yancey County Landfill, led to the seizer of a Meth Lab from the
residence of Randall Chandler, on Blankenship Creek Road, in Burnsville.
Another lab was busted in his residence on November 6th. He was charged
with several drug felonies and is being held in jail under a $32 thousand
secured bond. On November 14th, a mobile Meth Lab was removed from a
vehicle being operated by Mary Jo Frazier, from Johnson City. The car was
parked at the end of Weatherman Road, in Newdale. Information obtained
from the mobile lab led to a search of the residence of Billy Ray Love of
Crabtree Mobile Home Park, in the Estatoe Community of Mitchell County. A
November 15th search of Love’s residence, by Mitchell and Yancey Deputies
and SBI agents, turned up one of the largest Meth Labs ever located in
Western North Carolina. Frazier & Love were charged with several drug
felonies and are currently in jail, under bonds in the amount of $171

Baxter Receives Golden Eagle Award
AdvantageWest, a public/private economic development organization,
presented its “Golden Eagle Awards,” last week, recognizing leadership and
significant investments to Western North Carolina’s economy. A Golden
Eagle Award for Community Investment was presented to Baxter Healthcare,
near Marion, the largest manufacturing operation in the Western North
Carolina. Baxter has over 25 hundred employees at their McDowell County

Holiday Travel
Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel times in the year. The state
highway patrol is gearing up for safety. The law enforcement agency will
have extra patrols throughout the weekend to look for speeders, drunk
drivers and other problems. Troopers in the 17 western counties will be
targeting aggressive drivers. You are urged to watch your speed, watch out
for others, don’t drink and drive and buckle up.

NCAE Brings Money and School Supplies
Members of the North Carolina Association of Educators were in mountain
counties last week bringing school supplies and money to school systems
impacted by recent hurricanes. Association executive director Kelvin
Spragley .The check amount for each county is $500. Lissa Jo McMahon, the
Mitchell County NCAE President says most of the funds received will be
divided between two students whose homes were totally destroyed by storms,
one is in the third grade at Deyton and one is in the first grade at
Greenlee. Susan Ball, the Yancey County NCAE President says the funds will
be used for children at South Toe Elementary whose homes were damaged and
to Micaville Elementary School which was damaged. They will also consider
funds for Bee Log Elementary.

Newland Man Charged with Assaulting Mother
Avery Deputies were called to the residence of Joseph Estes, Jr. and his
mother Gloria Estes on Baxter Hughes Road, in Newland. When they arrived,
officers found Gloria Estes had been assaulted by her son. They also found
marijuana in the residence in plain view. The suspect Joseph Estes, Jr.
had left the scene. He was found at a residence on Banner Hill, in
Newland. More controlled substance was found in his vehicle. Newland
Police charged Mr. Estes with assault, inflicting serious injury and
communicating threats as well as possession of illegal drugs and with
intent to manufacture, sell and deliver illegal drugs. Estes is in the
Avery County jail under a $25 thousand bond.

Traffic Fatality in Madison
The NC Highway Patrol is reporting a traffic fatality in Madison County.
According to Trooper Kirkpatrick, a vehicle went off the right side of the
road at Bailey’s Branch Road and Snowbird Lane and struck a bridge
culvert. The victim has been identified as Judith Ann Shelton, age 60, of
379 Tater Gap Road, Marshall.

Madison Cemetery Vandals
Authorities say two teens, age 16 & 17, damaged almost a hundred graves at
a mountain cemetery. Marshall Police say the two knocked-over dozens of
tombstones at the Bowman Rector Cemetery in Marshall, doing more than half
a million dollars damage. Both teens face seven felony counts of grave

Fatal Stabbing
More details have been
released on a fatal stabbing in Rutherford County. Authorities say 37 year-old
Danny Adams stabbed 33 year-old Floyd Lovelace, Junior in the chest during a
fight Wednesday night at the McDade Townhouses in Forest City. Adams was
originally charged with first degree murder; he's now facing voluntary
manslaughter. The two men had a history of not getting along and there was no
premeditation involved. Adams remains in the Rutherford County jail on 100
thousand dollars bond.

A 911 Call for Help
Law enforcement officers in Avery County
responded to a 911 call Tuesday at 6:45 pm, to the residence of Michael &
Heather Teaster of Banner Creek Road, in Banner Elk. The 911 came from the
couple’s minor son who said his father was choking his mother. Officers from
Banner Elk, Sugar Mountain and the Avery Sheriff’s Department responded
immediately. When they arrived, they found Mrs. Teaster in a bedroom, she was
semi-conscious. She was taken to Cannon Memorial for treatment. Three minor
children were in the home. Michael Teaster was arrested and charged with assault
with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflicting serious injury, assault on
a female, and assault inflicting serious injury with minors present. He was
released from jail after posting a $28,500 secured bond. He has December 21,
2004, court date.

Mitchell Commissioners Endorse Master Plan
Mitchell County Commissioners have passed a
resolution supporting a master plan being formulated by the County’s 21st
Century Community Steering Committee. Bakersville Mayor Chuck Vines says the
plan will identify areas in the county that may become problem areas for water
and sewer. One of the top concerns is the old wells and the sewer system at
Mitchell High School. Plans would be developed at running water and sewer from
Spruce Pine to Ledger and the High School. Cost estimates are $1.7 million for
water and $1.7 million for sewer. The project is about 2-3 years away. The NC
Department of Commerce established the 21st Century Community program
to help economically distressed areas.

Rutherford County Killing
An apparent
domestic violence dispute turned deadly in Rutherford County Wednesday night.
say Flyod Lovelace Jr. was killed at an apartment complex off Piney Ridge Road.
Authorities arrested Daniel Adams shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday. No
information about charges against the accused were available.

No Smoking at Mission & St
As of midnight
Monday night smoking is prohibited anywhere on the
and Saint Joseph campuses.
That means no one is
allowed to light up inside or outside of the hospital grounds including in the
parking area.
The goal is to encourage more people to kick the habit and keep second-hand
smoke away.
If you are caught smoking you will be asked to put out the cigarette.
Nicotine replacement
products will be available in the gift shop at a reduced cost.

FEMA Registration
Homeowners, renters and business owners, in
disaster-declared counties, have until Friday, December 17, 2004, to apply for
assistance by calling the toll-free registration number; 1-800-621-FEMA. This
number is available 6 am to midnight, 7 days a week until further notice.
Assistance applications for Ivan include 744 from Avery County, Madison with
159, McDowell 119, Mitchell 277 and Yancey with 356 applications.

Recount in Mitchell County
Mitchell County Board of Elections conducted
a recount, Tuesday, of the ballots cast in the November 2nd General
Election. The recount was asked for in two races Board of Education and Board of
Commissioners. For Board of Education, the race in question was the number two
position between Larry Fortner and Roger Burleson. Two seats were available on
the board; incumbent Kathy Miller was the top vote getter and will serve another
term. The other position will be filled by incumbent Larry Fortner, the recount
vote gave him 3,477, and Roger Burleson received 3,470.
For County Commissioner, it wasn’t about who
was elected, but rather about how long each commissioner would serve. Elected
were Mike Hensley, Jim Saylor and Phil Byrd. The top two will serve 4 year terms
and the number 3 candidate will serve a 2 year term. Mike Hensley was the top
vote getter and will serve a 4 year term. Tuesday’s recount has Jim Saylor with
4,862 votes and Phil Byrd with 4,855 votes. Jim Saylor will serve a 4 year term
and Phil Byrd will serve a 2 year term.

300 Plus Jobs
Coming to Yancey
It appears Yancey County is ready to make a major
announcement that could mean 300 or more jobs for the area. A public hearing has
been set for Tuesday, November 30, 2004, at 7 pm, to receive comment on proposed
appropriations and expenditures for economic development. According to the
public hearing notice, the county is ready to enter into a 7 year lease
agreement with a metalworking business to locate at the former OMC building
which is owned by the county. The rent payment will be $1 per year. The
agreement may also provide a bargain sale of the building to the company at the
end of the lease agreement. In return, the company will agree to create a
certain level of employment, currently estimated at 300 plus jobs. The proposed
appropriations and expenditures to be made by the county include site
improvements which will cost about $200 thousand. The County expects grant funds
to cover these costs. The hearing will be held in the Commissioners Board Room,
in the Yancey County Courthouse. The Commissioners are expected to take action
concerning the proposed agreement and the related transactions immediately
following the meeting. Click
here to view
Public Hearing Notice.

McDonald's Break-Ins
Marion Police
says a recent promotion at McDonald’s made the food packaging as good as
currency. The fast-food chain gave away "Best Buy Bucks." The one-dollar pieces
were attached to food containers. More than 2500 French fry and chicken nugget
boxes were stolen. Authorities say the theft could add up to thousands of
dollars worth of electronics at Best Buy stores.
So far, no arrests
have been made.

Nearly $1.7 Million in NC Refund Checks Go
The Internal Revenue Service is looking for
24 hundred North Carolina taxpayers whose income tax refund check could not be
delivered. The following is a list (supplied by the IRS) of people in our area
who are due a refund check, but the check could not be delivered.
Avery County:
Martin & Maria Del Carmen Pedraza, Newland.
Madison County:
Adam Hunter, Mars Hill
Warren B. Ledbetter, Mars Hill
Bobby T. Sams, Mars Hill
Mitchell County:
Elizabeth S. Banks, Spruce Pine
Ashley N. Bowman, Spruce Pine
Benjamin R. & Brenda F. Hofschulz, Spruce Pine
Dustin N. Hughes, Spruce Pine
Jonathan W. Hughes, Spruce Pine
Yancey County:
Danny C. & Gale Kathryn Bailey, Burnsville
Mario A. & Tara L. Cavicchi, Burnsville
Michael H. Roper, Burnsville
To get information about refunds, go to
www.irs.gov, then go to “where’s my refund.” Information you will need
includes social security number, the filing status of the return and the refund
amount. Submit the information and you will get directions on how to resolve the
account and get your money. If you do not have access to the internet, first
check your records or check with your tax preparer, then call 1-800-829-1040.

Drug and Larceny Arrests in Mitchell
Mitchell Deputies have charged Gary Ronald
Boston, age 50, of Boston Hill Road, in Spruce Pine with several drug charges
including manufacturing marijuana with intent to sell and deliver marijuana. His
arrest was the result of an investigation into drug activity at the Boston
residence in the Estatoe Community of Mitchell County. Boston cooperated with
drug investigators and admitted to the drug activity. The arrest was on Tuesday,
November 2nd and the charging office was Lieutenant Chris Gillespie.
And, Mitchell Deputies have charged Jaimy Roquemore, age 25, of Brummetts Creek
Road, in Bakersville, with felony larceny. The arrest is the result of an
investigation earlier this month at a residence in northern Mitchell County,
where the accused was working as a contractor. Roquemore was hired by the victim
to do restoration work at a residence owned by the victim. According to
arresting officer, Chief Deputy Donald Street, Roquemore, was in possession of
number of stolen items at the time of his arrest. He was placed under a $6
thousand bond. The arrest occurred on Wednesday, November 3rd.

Burnsville Applies for Grant
The Town of Burnsville has applied for a $25
thousand grant from the Community Foundation of Yancey County for a sound system
at the Burnsville Community Center, which is now under construction. The center
is scheduled for opening in 2005.

Bombardier in Spruce Pine for Sale
Published reports are indicating the Spruce
Pine Bombardier Plant is for sale. This plant now goes on the market along with
Bombardier’s Cherokee County Plant, which has been for sale for about 3 months.
Company officials say this does not mean layoffs right now, plans are to keep
the plants running until a new owner takes over. Bombardier plants in Mitchell &
Cherokee employee about 200 workers.

Recount in Mitchell County
There has been a change in the results of
the race for a seat on the Mitchell Board of Education and one of the candidates
has called for a recount. The Mitchell County Board of Elections met Tuesday,
November 9, 2004, to canvas and count provisional ballots. 139 provisional
ballots were cast, 87 were determined to be valid ballots to be counted. The
vote count on Tuesday, November 2nd indicated Incumbent Kathy Miller
was re-elected for another term and Roger Burleson had won the second seat
available. He won by 6 votes over incumbent Larry Fortner, after the
provisional vote count, Fortner won by 4 votes. Thursday Burleson ask for a
recount of the votes.
A recount has also been asked for in the
county commissioner’s race. There will be no change in who was elected, Mike
Hensley, Jim Saylor and Phil Byrd. What is being challenged is the order of
finish which determines how low a commissioner will serve. The top two will
serve 4 year terms and the third commissioner will serve a 2 year term. After
the provisional count, Hensley remains the top vote getter with 4,908-he will
serve a 4 year term. Jim Saylor was next with 4,850 and Phil Byrd had 4,841—a
difference of nine votes. Byrd has called for a recount. According to Mitchell
Board of Elections Director, Nora Nell Jarrett, a decision on when the recount
will take place is a state decision and we should be announced next Tuesday,
November 16th.

Spruce Pine Audit Report
Spruce Pine received its audit report for
2003-2004 Monday. Town Manager Richard Canipe says auditor Cody McKinney said
the town is in sound financial shape and he had high praise for the town’s
staff; Tina Buchanan, Danny Young and Darlene Johnson. Canipe said one reason
the town is in such good financial shape is their tax collection rate. For the
year ending June 30, 2004, the town had a 98.37% tax collection rate which is
much higher than most town's their size.

JROTC at Heritage High School
Mountain Heritage High School has been chosen for the JROTC
Program. Dr Ivan Randolph is the Superintendent of Yancey County Schools
says the program will begin in the ’05-’06 school year. He appeared before
the Yancey Commission Tuesday to request $40-$50 thousand annually for
salaries of the instructors for the program. The instructors will be
retired military, one half of their salary will come from their
retirement, one fourth will be supplied by JROTC and one-fourth will be
paid by Yancey County. Commissioners approved Randolph’s request.

Spruce Pine Teen Killed in Wreck
A Spruce Pine Teen was killed last night when the vehicle
he was a passenger in wrecked near the Pinebridge Center. The incident
occurred around 8:00 pm. According to the Spruce Pine Police Department,
the victim is Terry Burleson, age 17, he was a passenger seated in the
rear of the vehicle when it left the roadway and went down an embankment
landing upside down. Police have charged the driver, Asa Michael Johnson,
age 18, of Bakersville, with driving while impaired and reckless driving.
He was treated and released from Spruce Pine Community Hospital. There
were two other passengers in the vehicle; their names have not been
released. One was treated and released from Spruce Pine Community
Hospital; the other was taken to Mission Hospital, in Asheville. According
to police his injuries were not believed to be life-threatening. The
incident is still under investigation by the Spruce Pine Police Department
and further charges are pending.

Mitchell Arrests
Mitchell County Deputies have arrested a Marion couple on
felony drug charges. Toney Edward Patrick, age 47, of Burleson Road, was
charged with possession of Chemicals with intent to manufacture
Methamphetamine. Juanita Fox McKinney Mason, age 42, of Hendrix Lane, was
charged with shoplifting. Patrick and Mason admitted they had stolen
chemicals in the Spruce Pine area with intentions of taking them back to
the Marion area to manufacture Methamphetamine. The arrests were made
Sunday, October 31st. Lieutenant Chris Gillespie was the charging officer.
Mitchell Deputies have charged a McDowell County Couple with breaking and
entering. David Scott Kelly, age 32, and Holly Nicole Wilson, age 23, both
of a Woodsong address, in Old Fort were charged with Breaking and
entering, possession of stole property and larceny of firearm. The two
were arrested as the result of an investigation into an incident that
occurred at a residence in the Bakersville area, on October 27th. The
couple admitted they had broken into the residence and stole 8 firearms.
Kelly admitted he had taken the firearms to different locations and sold
them—some of the firearms have been found, Mitchell investigators hare
working with McDowell authorities to locate the remaining guns. The
investigation is still ongoing and other arrests are expected. Kelly and
Wilson each received a $12 thousand bond. The two were arrested Friday,
November 5th. Detective Shane Vance was the charging officer.

Woman Falls in Well at McElroy
What began as an excavation project on a well at the
McElroy House, in Burnsville, that dates back to 1840, ended Saturday
morning when one of the workers, Elaine Dellinger fell about 40 feet into
the well. She was flown to Mission Hospital. According to Jim explains
what happened. Jim Priesmyer, the curator at the McElroy House, Dellinger
has one compressed and cracked vertebrae at the lower part of her back and
will undergo surgery on Wednesday for fractured vertebrae. Priesmyer said
she was resting comfortably and is expected to make a full recovery.

Limited Assistance for Flooding
Mitchell County has received a limited amount of funding for
victims of the recent flooding. These funds should be available for distribution
beginning sometime in the second half of November. Priority will be given to
individuals who lost their homes. Minorities are strongly encouraged to take
advantage of this assistance. Beginning November 22nd, call Contact Mitchell
County Government at 688-2139, for further information.

Burnsville residents will soon be receiving
a “use-survey,” from the town to get their input on possible uses of the
Community Building which is scheduled for completion in June, 2005. Burnsville
Mayor David Grindstaff says the survey has a list of 8 possible uses for the
facility and the town wants you to take a few minutes and rank them in order 1-8
as being important to them.

Mitchell Commissioners Endorse
Master Plan
Mitchell County
Commissioners have passed a resolution supporting a master plan being
formulated by the County’s 21st Century Community Steering Committee.
Keith Holtzclaw, the Chairman of the Mitchell Economic Development
Commission says the proposed master plan identifies the things that need
to be done to make sure the county has everything in place, such as
infrastructure to recruit industry, and tourism. The NC Department of
Commerce established the 21st Century Community program to help
economically distressed areas.

Mistrial in Milidene Baker-Wilson
A mistrial has been
declared in the fate of Michael David Brown, of Marion accused of the
brutal beating and robbery of a Burnsville woman in 2003 (November 5th,)
Authorities say Brown, 35, of Triple J Mobile Home Park, is responsible
for almost killing Milidene Baker-Wilson the Burnsville antique shop
owner. Charges against Brown include attempted 1st degree murder and
felony common law robbery. The Yancey County jury had been in
deliberations since Monday and yesterday told Superior Court Judge James
Downs that they could no reach a verdict, he declared a mistrial and set
January 18th as a new administrative court date.

Election Day 2004
Longtime Yancey Commissioner John Renfro was
defeated Tuesday as Democrats took control of the Yancey County
Commission. For Chairman, Danny Hensley received 51.1%, Renfro received
48.6%. For Commissioner, 2 seats available, Democrats Dean Hicks, the
incumbent and political newcomer Nathan Bennett were the top vote getters
in the Commissioners race. Hicks received 27.1%, Bennett 25.4%, Blaine
Whitson, the incumbent Republican, 24.1% and Republican Freddy Penland
23.4%. Register of Deeds Willoree Jobe ran unopposed.
In Mitchell County, for County Commission, 3 seats
available, Republicans swept the top three spots with Mike Hensley
receiving 28.9%, Jim Saylor 28.6% and Phil Byrd 28.4%. Unaffiliated
candidate Keith Renfro 14.1%. Register of Deeds Patty Young ran
unopposed. For Mitchell County Board of Education, current board member
Kathy Miller was the top vote getter with 27.5%. Newcomer Roger Burleson
beat incumbent Larry Fortner 3,434 to 3,428—both receiving 26.5% of the
vote. Because of provisional ballots which will be counted November ninth,
there could be a
change for the number two spot. Tammy Rousseau received 14.7% and Sherry
Huskins 4.8%.
For the NC
Senate, 47th District, Yancey County Republican Keith Presnell defeated
the incumbent Joe Sam Queen, a Democrat; 37,441 to 33,892. (47th
represents Avery, Haywood, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey)
For the NC House,
84th district, Republican Phillip Frye won easily over Libertarian
challenger C Barry Williams. (84th represents Avery, Caldwell, Mitchell
and most of Yancey)
For Congress
(10th District) Patrick McHenry (R) defeated Anne Fischer (D). The 10th
represents Avery, Mitchell and 8 other mountain counties.
For Congress
(11th District) Charles Taylor ® defeated Patsy Keever (D). The 11th
represents Madison, McDowell, Yancey and 12 other mountain counties.

County Approves Funds for Mitchell Schools
Mitchell Commissioners, by a 3-2 vote, approved most
of a funding request from the School System Monday night. Ryan Whitson,
County Manager, said Commissioners allocated $100 thousand from the
County’s fund balance for building handicapped ramps at Mitchell High & at
Harris Middle School. The total cost of the project is around $127
thousand. Commissioners Slagle, Anderson and Burleson voted in favor of
the motion, Commissioners Hollifield and Masters voted against the

Big Turnout Expected
Today is Election Day; the polls will be open until
7:30 pm. And if “one stop voting” is an indictor of the vote expected
today then the turnout could be big. Across North Carolina close to a
million voters took advantage of “one stop.” Mitchell County had 2,269
early voters and over 500 absentee ballot requests, Yancey had 2,539 and
around 800 absentee ballots requests. A word of caution to voters, voting
“Straight Party,” does not include voting for President. The ballot has
four sections, first is President, and second is straight party voting,
third is non-partisan and fourth is Constitutional Amendments. To make
sure your vote counts: vote for president, then vote straight party--or
for individual offices which includes state and federal offices and County
offices. Then vote non partisan, which includes judges, board of
education, soil & water. Then, vote for Constitutional Amendments.

Smoking the Sewers
The Town of Bakersville is “Smoking the Sewers,” in
an attempt to locate any leaks in the system. This may cause smoke to come
into a structure. The Town of Bakersville will be “smoking the Sewers,”
today and tomorrow.

Woman Rescued
From Wrecked Car
A woman has been pulled from her wrecked
vehicle on the Blue Ridge Parkway, after spending the night trapped inside
crews worked several hours to get the driver out alive. She'd was pinned
in the car after driving off an embankment. She had been discovered by
bikers. When the driver was found she was not only alive but awake and
responsive, paramedics and flight nurses from the waiting hospital
helicopter tended to her. Her legs were pinned in and the jaws of life
were to big to work through the mangled metal so smaller tools had to be
used. Her dog was also pinned in the vehicle. He suffered some injuries,
but is expected to be fine. The entire rescue effort took about three
hours. The driver was airlifted to Mission Hospitals where she underwent
surgery. Her name wasn’t released, but officials say she's from